Node.js WebSocket MIDI server

signal processing, XR, sims, microscopes, STM32, ESP32

Node.js WebSocket MIDI server

13 Dec 2021


node-midisrv is a MIDI websocket client & server, running on node.js

- does *not* include a browser JavaScript client
- server does not receive by WebSocket and send to device
- includes [mididump.js for debugging]( - [midisocket]( is another Node.js websocket MIDI client-server;     server simply echoes binary MIDI back to client[s]. - [midiServer]( is yet *another* MIDI websocket nodeJS server *in a single file*     using MIDI by utf8 JSON   - [midi-websocket]( has a simple Node.js websocket server and browser client - [fork](     server is simple echo broadcaster - [James Byrd wrote a WebSocket MIDI article]( about using Node.js   - [Tutorial: How to create a MIDI synthesizer with MIDI API and Node JS](

MIDI WebSocket for JavaScript, a browser WebSocket MIDI client

also Node.js client and server with log4js; whether and how compatible with e.g. mnet MIDIHub is unknown..
Its WebSocket MIDI is binary and bridged to local MIDI devices and also broadcast to other WebSocket clients