
OxyScope Help

OxyScope is about displaying and collecting samples
for up to 4 SimHub properties at a time.

At least for me, evaluating scatter plots while driving is NOT an option.
Instead, using the SimHub button at upper right:
first record some driving, then

Four properties may be visualized by color-coding based on values of one
and scatter plotting in 3D coordinates based on others.
Intuitively, this works best if color-coded property values depend on others.
Visualizing more than 4 properties is possible, but problematic.
Sample values for 3 nominally "independent" properties
are more likely to fill ellipsoids than boxes.
Supposing that 2% increments suffice for precision,
that amounts to 51 samples along each "independent" property axis,
or a sphere with radius 25 and volume of about 65,500 samples.
Driving a sim car so as to collect so many uniformly distributed samples is unlikely.
Indeed, most samples collected in sequence at 60Hz are nearly redundant,
tracing trajectories.
This clustering issue is mitigated by:
  • ignoring successive samples with all "independent" values
    differing by less than 2% of properties' current range.
  • at suitable intervals, calculate StdDev for each property,
    then subsequently ignore samples not well beyond.
  • ideally, StdDev thresholding should based on radii...

Controlstop to bottom
top row:  left-to-right
Help - link to this page

Current property sample set statistics, updated every 3 seconds;
  may not get plotted, depending on buttons to the right...

 REPLOT  - button enabled by the next button set to Manual

Manual / Auto Replot
  • Manual:  displayed plot remains until  REPLOT  is selected
  • Auto:  plots update as new samples are collected

Refresh:  3 second / Cumulative X range / Hold max X range
  • 3 second:  all sample sets can be plotted
    Use this e.g. with Auto to search Replay for interesting scatter plots.
  • Cumulative X range:  collects sample values with increasing variance
                    of X property as selected by Fit Curves
    Ignores nearly redundant successive samples,
    collecting wider X property value range over longer intervals
  • Hold max X: 3-second sample set with greater range of all X values
    Captures a single 3 second sequence with largest X value range.

Fit Curves
  • Disable:  display only scatter plots
  • Xprop[0-3]:  adds leasts-squares fit line and monotonic cubic curve,
                for one of up to 3 X-axis properties

row 2: Properties XY plot
Y, X sample set pairs are plotted, based on refresh setting

row 3:  Y, Xprop0 plot property names
rows 4:  optional Xprop1, Xprop2 plot property names
Copy names of interest from SimHub's Available properties window

rows 5, 6:  Current plotted property statistics
typically reports coefficients for fitted lines, cubic fits

bottom row:  filters (1 == no filtering)
Some properties affect others, but with delay.
Increasing filter value for property affecting response
  may improve correlation..

3D scatter plot visualization

maintained by blekenbleu