
Windows 10 vJoy v2.2.1.1, then v2.1.6.2 installation: not scary (not previously installed)
The latest version with signed driver: 9.5MB
vJoy from SourceForge is v2.1.9.1 and 11MB
SimHub includes 32-bit DLLs for vJoy v2.1.6
Replacing those with v2.2.1.1 DLLs throws this Exception:
Managed Debugging Assistant 'PIinvokeStackImbalance':
'A call to PInvoke function 'vJoyInterfaceWrap!

SimHub was seemingly built with vJoy v2.1.6 DLLs, which report:
INFOVersion of Driver (221) does NOT match DLL Version (216)
INFOAcquired: vJoy device number 1.
.. then the driver does not respond to `joystick.SetAxis()` nor `joystick.SetBtn()`,
presumably because of incompatibity between v2.1.6 structures sent by SimHub-compatible DLLs
and those expected by vJoy driver v2.2.1.1 . 
Sadly, njz3/vJoy has only v2.2.0.0 and v2.2.1.1
To uninstall just the v2.2.1.1 driver, without uninstalling Program Files\vJoy ,
Fire up Windows Device Manager and check Properties - Driver for vJoy, then [Uninstall Device]
To test v2.1.6 Build 20,
at that point, I renamed Program Files\vJoy to Program Files\vJoy_2.2.1.1 .
Setup.exe for Version 2.1.6 Build 20 installed successfully...
... but also disappeared Program Files\vJoy_2.2.1.1\ ..??
v2.1.9.1 is the driver most recently known to work with Windows 11;
the issue with v2.2.1.1 appears to be
InitFromRegistry() : File DOWNLOADPATH vJoyInit.reg not found.
Possibly install v2.1.9.1, grab its vJoyInit.reg and jam into
vJoy driver installation includes applications AKA Components:

No choice for installation location:  C:\Program Files\vJoy\

For some reason, includes another 611KB vJoyInstall.exe ..?
Apps are in C:\Program Files\vJoy\x64\
Linked them into SimHub folder
vJoyList shows 1 installed;
vJoy Monitor shows 8 axes and 16 buttons.
Command line vJoyConfig.exe and GUI vJoyConf.exe
vJoy Monitor:  one device configured with 8 axes.
vJoyConf:  16 axes, configurable buttons;
Setting 16 Buttons showed up in vJoy Monitor, so all good.
joy.cpl Test and vJoyFeeder.exe
No consensus about names assigned to axes and which directions are min and max:

Note that joy.cpl can dynamically display vJoyFeeder.exe changes only when Windows gives it focus.
How to fix:  installing vJoy and controllers not working anymore.