PATH="/usr/bin:/bin:/mingw64/bin:/c/Windows/System32:/c/Windows:/usr/bin/core_perl:/c/Users/bleke/bin:/c/Windows/System32/OpenSSH" # Set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists if [ -d "${HOME}/bin" ] ; then PATH="${HOME}/bin:${PATH}" fi # Set PATH to include Ruby bin/ if it exists if [ -d "/d/Ruby27-x64/bin" ] ; then PATH="/d/Ruby27-x64/bin:${PATH}" # 10/26/2018 possibly required by pacman export DEV=/d fi ME="/c/Users/bleke" MY="/e/my" # for compatibility with GitHub Desktop, use its `git` binary GHDP="${ME}/AppData/Local/GitHubDesktop" # Version number changes frequently: GV="app-3.1.6" export GIT="${GHDP}/${GV}/resources/app/git/mingw64/bin" # if `where git` reports another, then delete or rename it # share Python with Visual Studio PYpath="/f/VS/Shared/Python37_64" PYscr="${ME}/AppData/Roaming/Python/Python37/Scripts" PY="${PYpath}:${PYpath}/Scripts:${PYscr}" PATH="${PATH}:${GIT}:${PY}" if [ -d "${ME}/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps" ] ; then PATH="${PATH}:${ME}/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps" fi if [ -d "${MY}/gnuplot/bin" ] ; then PATH="${PATH}:${MY}/gnuplot/bin" fi if [ -d "/d/NodeJS" ] ; then PATH="${PATH}:/d/NodeJS:/d/NodeJS/prefix" fi # share Java JRE with Android dev if [ -d "${MY}/Android/jre/bin" ] ; then PATH="${PATH}:${MY}/Android/jre/bin" fi if [ -d "${MY}/Hugin/bin" ] ; then PATH="${PATH}:${MY}/Hugin/bin" fi if [ -d "${MY}/7-Zip" ] ; then PATH="${PATH}:${MY}/7-Zip" fi if [ -d "${MY}/GitHub_gh" ] ; then PATH="${PATH}:${MY}/GitHub_gh" fi if [ -d "${MY}/Vim/vim81" ] ; then PATH="${PATH}:${MY}/Vim/vim81" fi # special environment for alias c19="cd ${MY}/GitHubDesktop/ && source" alias docs="cd /c/Users/bleke/Documents" alias g="cd ${MY}/GitHubDesktop" alias m="cd ${MY}/GitHubDesktop/" alias M="cd /c/Users/bleke/Documents/Arduino/midi_examples" alias p="cd ${MY}/GitHubDesktop/" alias s="cd ${MY}/Sim/SimHub/SimHub/PluginSdk" # local jekyll alias serve="${HOME}/bin/serve" alias unserve="taskkill //IM ruby.exe //F" # GitHub Pages markdown alias utf8="find . -name '*.md' -exec grep --color='auto' -P -n '[^\x00-\x7F]' {} \;" # cleaning up after vim alias rmv="rm *~ .[._a-Z]*~" # Hugin to align an image stack alias align="/c/users/bleke/bin/align.bat" # use ImageMagik to difference images alias dimg="/c/users/bleke/bin/imgdiff.bat" # Windows command compatibility alias path="echo $PATH" export JAVA_HOME=${MY}/Android/jre export RAMDISK='/r/TEMP' # buggy #export GIFSICLE='${MY}/gifsicle-1.92/gifsicle.exe -b -O2'