VR1 blog
VR1 - software, hiccups, hints, first retail customer impressions
[Hint: as with Glossary, use browser search with term of interest]
Eye tracking and virtual desktop work in both SteamVR and OpenXR
- These features work as soon as SteamVR itself is running;
OpenXR needs application running in VR mode and rendering into VR1.
Foveated rendering requires OpenXR app support
Also, IPD measured value shows only in OpenXR.
Three 10Gbps (red) USB ports are wanted for mixed reality versions
- MR cameras share one USB cable, but use 2 ports..!
Some folks (me) want a shallower facemask frame.
issues fixed 1 Nov 2024
- Fixed perceived delay of the VR movement vs physical movements.
- Fixed low FOV problems to allow for the full FOV of the headset to be utilized.
- Changed default rendering resolution to 80%.
- Added option to set custom keyboard shortcut in the Buttons tab.
- Updated algorithm for mixed reality latency compensation.
- Fixed IPD values displayed in Connected Headset section and in the Eyes tab.
- Added capability to switch FOV and resolution without restarting SteamVR.
- Fixed FPS counter in Somnium VR1 Tool when using SteamVR.
- Fixed measure IPD and eye tracking functionality in SteamVR.
- Other minor improvements and fixes
Need to start SteamVR or OpenXR app for Calibrations to work...

Consensus:  Lag, FoV, eye tracking calibration are fixed
Software and hints
planned February 2025 update- 'huge performance boost' for OpenXR pipeline
- Update to latest Nvidia driver before plugging in VR1;
- ignore any message about downgrading that driver.
- PLUG VR1 INTO RTX 4090 'MAIN DISPLAY PORT' (nearest motherboard)
- GPU DisplayPort priority
- Disable G-Sync and 12 bit in Nvidia resolution settings
- Varjo Base and other HMD software may interfere with VR1
VR1 Hub:  Tool Download  
setup build tool

- Somnium VR1 Tool overview video
- initial setup wizard
- cable connection
- system scan:  Hardware Check
- OpenXR driver installation
- SteamVR installation
- ultraleap hand tracking
- (at top) Home screen: quick actions at right
- (at top) Settings
basic initial settings for SteamVR
- top render slider to 80% (do not change any SteamVR settings)
- "Advance" tab at the bottom left.
- Vertical Angle - Changes vertical FoV
- Horizontal Inner Angle - Changes binocular overlap
- Horizontal Peripheral Angle - Changes horizontal FoV
- Eye Relief Offset - Changes the world scale
- Tool update issues
- unobvious
- VR1 Tool Horizontal Peripheral Angle
slider snaps to coarse values
-> use arrow keys to increment
- Only one eye at startup
VR1 software connection to PC failed

or unplug VR1 at breakout box, then replug; no need to restart SteamVR etc
- VR1 app: SteamVR driver not installed (but works)
switch to SteamVR Beta
- Default 'Somnium VR1' profile disables changing settings.
Start VR1 before SteamVR or OpenXR app
CapFrameX Frametime capture and analysis tool
- based on Intel's PresentMon. Overlay by Rivatuner Statistics Server
VR Benchmarks for nVidia Drivers
- VR1 button remapping for Steam menus
in VR1 tool in menu Buttons
in SteamVR > Menu > Developer > Debug commands
- Space warp (motion reprojection)
only in OpenXR apps supporting spacewarp/depth map
- Resolution slides shows 0x0 resolution when SteamVR is off
Steam VR setup
  OVR Lighthouse Manager -
Base station
SteamVR apps:
first launch SteamVR,-
then application (especially MSFS) performance seems better,
e.g. head movement smoothness.
Artifacts, e.g. margin flicker, audio interference
- installing SteamVR beta removes some artifacts

SteamVR vsync_to_photons_increment
for RTX 4090 VR tracking lag
- Press three-lined menu button at SteamVR top for developer console,
in Developer menu section and finally selecting the Web Console.
navigates web browser to a SteamVR console page.
Alternatively navigate to this link (while SteamVR is running).
From there, the command:  settings steamvr.ipd
should return IPD in meters. Eg. steamvr.ipd: 0.063 for an IPD of 63mm.
fpsVR SteamVR app
- SteamVR developer settings "show GPU performance graph in headset"
Ultraleap 2 desktop software
- Widgets
- Hand tracking - Ultraleap
- fork of Leap Motion controller SteamVR driver with updated vendor libraries
OpenComposite Runtime Switcher
- issues when using VRGOXR; instead, try SteamVR OpenXR runtime
XR Runtime Picker
- add VR1 runtime by
Browse for manifest (middle icon) to this file:
windows VrEngineers C:\ProgramData\vrg\oxr\vrg_openxr.json
also added SteamVR...
probably manipulates Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Khronos\OpenXR\1
OpenXR Toolkit
- 'Legacy menu' option in the Menu tab
Quad Views
- select option in DCS;
disable OpenXR toolkit
- live display of frame rate, interval, etc
- OpenXR toolkit is unsupported, causes crashes
and other issues with some modern games
OpenXR API Layers GUI automatically detects common errors, fixes most
- OpenXR API Layers GUI shows API layers in their actual order.
WhatIsMyFieldOfView AKA WIMFOV
- other FoV tools are paid and/or reportedly need controllers
Artur's VR1 FoV slider settings
- I recommend keep everything at default values except
Render Resolution
(when you install VR1 tool) for the first week.
In the beginning, tweak overall Render Resolution
for needed performance based on your system and game.
I run 75 - 85% Render Resolution most of the time with RTX 4090.
- Vertical FOV - keep 98 degrees just for the beginning.
Headset can render up to 110 degrees,
so you CAN increase this value in the future.
- This is binocular overlap.
VR1 has a perfect 90 overlap, BUT you can even increase it
and depending on your IPD you might see even more.
CAUTION: This has a big impact on performance so I recommend
NOT touching this and keep default value of 45 in the beginning.
- This is horizontal FOV. Default is 124 degrees (62 degrees per eye).
VR1 is capable of up to 140 degrees, with ideal physical eye relief.
- Eye Relief Offset changes digital world scale (apparent distance).
Change this ONLY if default value feels strange after few days of use.
If image feels OK, there is no need to touch this slider.
- This slider commands headset overall
Render Resolution .
Dual aspheric lens optics keep VR1 sharp even at 50%.
Artur's How to Use Somnium VR Headset with OpenXR and SteamVR
- To avoid issues, ensure only the correct runtime is enabled in Somnium Tool
- then restart the VR application.
Running OpenXR Applications
- Turn off SteamVR - OpenXR applications donβt require SteamVR.
- make sure itβs not running.
Disable Somnium SteamVR driver - Open Somnium Tool, turn off SteamVR driver to prevent conflicts.
Enable Somnium OpenXR runtime - In Somnium Tool, switch to OpenXR runtime.
This ensures VR1 correctly communicates by OpenXR.
Launch OpenXR game or application, for VR1 to now run it directly.
Running SteamVR Applications
- Enable the Somnium SteamVR driver
- Open the Somnium Tool and activate the SteamVR driver.
Ensure no other VR applications are running - Conflicts may occur if another VR process is active.
Start SteamVR - Launch SteamVR to establish the connection.
Run any SteamVR-compatible game - Your headset should now function with SteamVR titles.
Follow these steps to reliably switch between OpenXR and SteamVR.
Shodah's basic hardware checks
- I go full ADHD clicking of buttons all the time during my extensive testing
and I've only ever experienced one crash of MR due to using upscaling on old GPU drivers.
This is on a peasant 5800x3D, 3080ti, 32gb 3600mhz, system.
- If you're on an X3D CPU, please make sure resizeable BAR and above 4G decoding
are enabled (might as well disable SMT if you don't use virtual machines)
- Triple check you've got XMP/EXPO enabled for your RAM
- VR1 experience was sluggish with these settings disabled after fresh Windows 11 install.
- Try disabling Windows Game mode and GPU scheduling,
it might not do anything, but that'll rule out Windows being Windows.
- Disable Nvidia overlay, disgusting amount of issues from that in VR overall.
- While you're in there just make sure there's no other wanky settings turned on.
- Go to Nvidia control panel, 3D settings and hit default button
- Now set default 3D profile power to "prefer maximum performance"
and while you're in there for a cheeky 5%-10% frame-time boost,
find a setting called Texture filtering, set that to performance.
- Don't be offended, but check your power profile,
make sure it's on highest performance.
First customers' Initial impressions - second thoughts, after 1 Nov fixes
issues mostly addressed;   some continuing pupil swim complaints
"Sharpness is really good, colors and brightness also;
weight (645g) is ok for me,
- I will have to work a bit on comfort (but that was the case with every HMD I had so far)
Visonary weight (without headstrap but with anchorpoint) of 645g
Windows 11, AMD 5800x3d X570 msi motherboard
Btw, what is the canting angle of the VR1?
surprisingly I have seen no issues in MSFS2020 with openXR
I wouldn't be so sure about "no fan".
When you reset the hmd there is slight mechanical noise
that sounds like a fan (rotation/blowing) to be heard.
But during normal operation I also can hear/feel none.
When I put my ear close to the hmd I can hear some noise, but its very faint.
Yes with the SteamVR OpenXR runtime it works correctly,
only the VRG runtime has the view problem
Ok after update steamVR latency is gone, updated FOV is 128h, 95v
Well of course you have to "allow" it, i.e. setting the horizontal peripheral angle >65.
And I have already removed the gasket and replaced it by some cutomized foam structure,
so that is the absolut maximum for me I think
For IPD measurement I still have the same error
So I've now tried Hubris and HL:Alyx (both in steamVR) and both look great,
those elevator buttons and the resin really pop out,
great contrast and amount of detail and have very good performance
(hFOV 120, 100% res no upscaling, Hubris with DLSS).
There is a visual glitch though (no show-stopper but annoying),
Have noticed a difference in some lightning in the left vs the right eye in HL:Alyx (the sun shafts).
Eye tracking not working - it was a windows camera setting, it is working now
Removed pimax installation and the Hubris issue is gone,
It was set to Vulkan API btw, with dx3d11 HL:Alyx issue disappears
How's the ipd measurement meant to work? I see the prple crystal
for a few seconds than it turns to green, but I can see no result?
(OpenXR runtime instead of SteamVR) works but the measured ipd values
are about -6mm off my real value (had it measured by optician)
I got also the "calibrate head pose" now to work (have it green)
All % sliders on (contrast) page snap (to fixed values)
Windows has only one "current runtime" setting (it's actually a registry setting)
which determines the used openXR runtime.
It can be seen in steamVR settings under OpenXR/Current OpenXR Runtime.
"SteamVR" is the steamvr openXR, "vrg_openxr" is VR1's own openXR runtme
OpenXR Explorer allows seeing and changing the active runtime
(quad views is not supported by "SteamVR" OpenXR)
As soon as you click on "Enable OpenXR" it will set VR1 runtime as actual one
And when you set the "Enable OpenXR" to off it removes itself, but doesn't restore another,
so then you have none, steamVR shows "Error Finding Runtime" in that case
I can still start steamVR with "Enable steamVR" set to off
I think I have seen something like black bars in the right eye
Just tried DCS with VRG openXR (Thats how the VR1 openXR runtime is called),
it's very shaky, without any head movement.
I can see the "Quad View Foveated Rendering" at work though.
Tried DCS now with steamVR openXR runtime, and there is no shaking
(but of course also no quad views), I'm beginning to sense a pattern here,
I suspect to be something wrong with the VRG openXR
Tried "the 7th guest vr" and there is a fatal error with VRG openXR,
works well with steamVR openXR, same pattern
Same with Hubris, has view problems with VRG, works in Steam OpenXR
There seems to be now way right now to turn off the "XR_VARJO_quad_views" OXR extension,
it always shows up in my OXR explorer, there definitly should be a way to turn that off

I have no problem with the included tool,
just tried to loosen the anchor point, no problem whatsoever
Are there any plans to have the VRG OpenXR runtime certified by khronos,
so that it would be "official"?
I'd say in the long run it would be good to have (Varjo has it, pimax not)
The peripheral area is the "normal" rendering setting
and the foveated section in vr1 tool is the focus area
The only thing I could get to work with VRG without major problems is UEVR in OpenXR mode
Ride 5 and Talos Principle 2 so far
For Crystal, "native" PimaxXR was almost always better than Steam OpenXR
The situation right now seems to be:
Quad View must use VRG,
but no QVFR games run correctly with VRG, only with Steam OpenXR
testHmd assumes a symmetrical vertical FOV. So if you don't have it symmetrical
(In my case upper is 92 and lower 98,
and I think it is expected to be asymmetrical by design of the VR1 lens [the upper cut])
you have to take the mean value, so in my case vFOV = (92 +98)/2 = 95.
Just taking the value where both red dots have dissapeared
while the upper disappears earlier than the lower is WRONG
I tried now a few racing games (Assetto Corsa, Assetto Corsa Competizione, Automobilista 2).
None of these worked with OpenComposite and VRGOXR
so I used steamVR. Tried a night race in AC in Quatar (Losail 2021) with a Ferrari F138,
and have never seen that Ferrari red look so good on a screen, really shiny red, amazing.
Also with this setting the black of the night looked really good,
because of the great contrast I guess,
the white lamps at the side of the track and the flashing green signs,
they really pop out, so for this I don't really feel the need of local dimming.
Details in cockpit are also very good, sharp, those rev indicator leds on the F1 wheel,
very flashy. ACC and AMS2 look also very sharp, colorful
(maybe a little too much in ACC, had to tone it down a bit) bright and detailed
(put file openvr_api.dll in main folder of the game, donβt use OC)
Ok, with per-game it is working now for AC
(I never did this because it worked without last time I tried with crystal),
but there is another problem: The whole view slowly rotates about some axis in my head,
I can even see the drivers helmet rotate when I change the camera to outside car view
Yes it (in general) works with VRG and OpenComposite,
with file replacement (openvr_api.dll), but view rotates in AC and ACC."
"I am officially second π₯ in the entire planet earth πβοΈ
- Wonder if that line is intended or damaged xD
(printed in bands; sometimes it happens.)
Omg Guys that custom cable is something else π₯π₯π₯Literally the best cable I've seen
While installing the driver I am looking at vr1,
a magnesium head strap would be more appropriate to such a super super high-end headset.
Okay picture is beyond phenomenal BUT, your brain needs to adjust
There is some kind of delay between head movement.
Like 40ms perhaps which makes you a little bit dizzy
... that dizzy pressure feeling in the brain that something ain't right  
(lag from HDR setting)
It's I guess aspherics I didn't use them for 3 years ... But holy cow that fov π±πππ
Manual [IPD] works but the change doesn't apply in the software (Known bug)

I got a 3500€ monitor with 12 bit that's why it didn't work with VR1
Yeah need a much thinner facial interface mask
So far I found out that the headset has to be at 90hz at 60% resolution
so you have 3ms response time otherwise you will have the feeling that it's sluggish.
The LCD panels are slow in the vr1 as with varjo Aero.
It ain't HTC Vive pro 1 quickness. I think that's what we feel.
Hopefully 120hz next week that will reduce the latency.
(tracking issues) Had that too but restarted the PC and everything was fine.
First launch vr1 software then steam VR
The first thing I noticed when I maxed out IPD (square edges)
We will need your help activating dynamic foveated rendering for KayakVR
since there is apparently a huge performance boost
Aero Fov 100Β°h and 76Β°v
Looks like vr1 tool and after that probably firmware
Tracking fixed No latency Calibrate head pose crashes steam vr
Calibration isn't greyed out for me
Eye tracking calibration working
Restarting PC to get rov tool running ...
But I see what you have done here Artur πππ₯ fov looks huge

And may I say you THANK YOU for this freaking good distortion profile π
It's soo good I didn't though it's possible to get such a good distortion profile
AND having such big fov π±

Yeah this is insane for a LCD. I CANT WAIT FOR LOCAL DIMMING
would you agree the new distortion profile made NPCs a Little bit bigger in Alyx?
Nvidia pre rendering frames set to 1 I guess
80% rendering resolution is too much for 4090 in Alyx
1.5 years ago I knew this will be epic . Something clicked in my brain π
since then I have been telling everyone every day about this headset
Can't stop playing π But rtx 5090 needed.
Currently running at 65% rendering with my 4090 to hold 90 fps in Hellsplit Arena π
I was so immersed in the action that I didn't notice (wavyness) in game play
I want MORE smoothness π
Very tight (strap to get 120 FoV)
For me the (black flashing) artifacts went almost away when I reduced the Rendering to 65%
I have to enable VRG in steam VR add-ons, otherwise my headset is not detected.
(65% correspond to something like 4000x4500) I 'll post the exact number later.
But it's ideal for 4090 and 13900k for holding 90 fps at 95% of the time
( alyx and hellsplit Arena tested) Alyx without dynamic res scale ofcourse
Trust me you really want one. This headset is a significant step up compared to others.
It makes you actually wanna use VR
The only reason I would return it are the blacks but that will be fixed hopefully.
I am used to oled blacks in Alyx
If I start steam VR without starting the software the headset isn't recognized.
Then I close steam VR and start the vr1 software.
Then I start steam VR, I enable 'vrg' and restart steam VR. Then it does see my hmd.
And then I have to hope the handshake was good
so I don't see those flashing vertical black artifacts in steam VR home
when starting steam VR home in the first couple of mins they don't show up.
After couple of mins suddenly they show up.
When I achieve good handshake between steam VR and VR1 software
and have no flickering black lines then it's awesome.
SteamVR home is super subsceptible to artifacts
I wrote I small review in the Open Mr Forum"
"No power button just like Aero?
Oof. Good thing I already have smart plugs in place
- Do the panels auto power off and if yes can the timeout time be adjusted?
Clicked through the wizard but it didn't trigger any tracking setup.
Didn't the first time either BTW. Just installed steamVR drivers
I had some major tracking issues (jumping all over the place for no reason)
OK got the tracking working, Varjo Base was still installed, that probably messed with it
In WIMFOV, it loads (via steam VR) and I see the mirror, and base stations are tracking fine.
Headset won't wake when put on; screens are off, LEDs are on..?  
(SteamVR VS OpenXR)
Has anyone used OXRTK successfully yet? I disabled it earlier because it wasn't "in the right place".
It was at a weird distance and angle to me so I couldn't even read the text.
It seemed to be functional but not usable due to the weird positioning
Will try again now
... Aaand MSFS crashed when trying to enter VR. Never had as many MSFS crashes as today
Not sure what causes this, but sometimes the resolution slide will display 0x0.
Moving the slider doesn't help.

Having said all this, the image sharpness and colors are absolutely STUNNING
when it's working somewhat.  
Crazy contrast too. And lenses also much better than Crystal Light
And comfort feels pretty great too, although I haven't worn it long.
Feels a lot like the Aero in many respects (also visually),
which is NOT a bad thing from my perspective, was actually just what I wanted.
Really hope all the kinks can be ironed out!
Q3 and pro both have better e2e clarity, but that's expected.
Or rather, their clarity extends further,
right to the very edge of the lense. In V1 there is some blurryness at the edges
I just cranked the resolution to 110% in MSFS and DAMN. now I see why we need 5090s. Nuts
NICE I got OXRTK working, simply needed to start it in safe mode
I dunno, details in the distance seem a lot more pixelated with this setting
than at equivalent resolutuons on PCL or Aero,
maybe due to the larger FOV, but I'm still tweaking
Default FOV so far... just trying to establish basic operations..
I really want it to work but there is some weird issue
where OXRTK menu moves to an inaccessible place when not running it in safe mode.
Not sure if this is a VR1 problem but I've never had it before.
And it does offer some things that the VR1 tool doesn't over
like turbo mode and CAS sharpening and in-VR fps display
you can disable steamVR and the tracking still works
(still via steamVR, but in background only. SteamVR app is not open)
I'm beginning to think that
MSFS crashes if VR1 tool is open and VR1 is connected while MSFS loads.
But if I let it load first and then connect the HMD it seems fine+
At least i got OXRTK working properly by activating Legacy Menu mode,
thanks to whoever said that!
... seems my tracking issues was a problematic basestation
I just tried adding studioform counterweights and Pimax Crystal cushion
and this has improved comfort by a lot,
I'm lucky as I don't really plan on using steamVR much,
but it's completely unusable due to the 'delay' issue.
If i disable steamVR and use only openXR everything runs great
and BTW what is Brightness Correction?
Even openXR via steamVR has the [lag] issue I think.
I can fix it by disabling steamVR in the VR1 tool and rebooting,
then running via Somnium OXR runtime only
3D effect is great
I had 2 instances when entering VR where the left panel simply didn't switch on
Leaving and entering VR again fixed it both times   (this is a software glitch)
How do you deal with the steamVR menu that appears within MSFS
when using that runtime? I couldn't handle it lol
just added the Apache strap on top of the counterweights and the Studioform Cushion
and now it's comfortable as hell, better than Aero actually π
But long test (1.5hrs+) still to be done
Basically, when looking at a super stable "object" like a menu
or a stationary plane in MSFS and moving head left to right,
a "wave/ripple" like distortion moves through the field of view very near the center.
There is even a point when what you are focusing on
seems to "shift/materialize" a small distance from the left to the right.
Once you see it you can't unsee it.
In addition, I can't seem to fully focus on most of the screen, and this is not due to my eyesight.
I don't have this issue in other headsets.
Any idea why the eye relief is disabled for me? Does it only work in steamVR mode?

Anyone who already has one, try this: Look at a menu text and close your left eye,
then slowly move your head left to right and back and forth slowly. Is the text entirely stable?
When I look through my left eye only, it's basically stable.
When I look through my right eye only,
I see very obvious warping/rippling and even see the text "telelport" a few milimetres.
I'd say it gets pleasantly warm, not at all more than expected. Also,
NO FOGGING whatsoever,none, zilch. PCL fogged like a MF.
Not even "noticeably" warm really. Warmer than when it's off, but that's expected
I just tested my FOV after all just to be able to compare, via WIMFOV.
I got 102H / 96V, but it felt a lot bigger (horizontally) in game, weird.
And this is with a slightly thinner than stock gasket.
Studioform cushion for Pimax Crytal, as recommended by VR flightsimguy. Really nice
For reference, in Q3 I got 110/100 and Aero 104/83.
It definitely felt bigger than both of these in game though,
surely the bug only affects the measurement tools?
I can't imagine the ACTUAL FOV getting bigger via the update. Hope I'm wrong though
VR optician claims they take distance prescription and adjust it for focal distance.
Didn't work out in my case it seems
You can already disable rendering for one eye via OXRTK
Warming is not an issue at all for me.
OXRTK is no longer supported but still functional with VRChat
Mapping buttons to keyboard is great. I was gonna hand in a feature request for this
IPD now working, nice
What do I need to do to enable the ET calibration? It's greyed out. Eye tracking also greyed out
(You need to start SteamVR or OpenXR compatible application first,
then the buttons will be available.)
This is a bit counterintuitive
"Measure IPD": it shows me the spinning diamond, then this disappears.
But it doesn't tell me any values anywhere?
I got 114/96 (vs 102/96 before update)
ALthough I had the inserts in.. will try again without
Even with maxed out FOV rendering I only get 114/96 in WIMFOV, weird
Any tips on setting the inner angle FOV correctly?
Yeah the steamVR delay is 100% gone
still have the same wavyness as yesterday, more pronounced in right lense than left.
I don't think it's a deal breaker anymore as I'll probably get used to it in-game
but still not ideal. The effect can be lessened by moving the HMD further down
than I would've expected it to sit, sweetspot wise.
The virtual desktop function is AMAZING, it switches over so instantlya/seamlessly.
Just amazing. But how can I change the distance to and position of the screens??
I'm gonna have to get a 5090 cos 120% resolution in MSFS is blowing my socks off.
Brightness insane too Wavyness could be better π
But yeah there's always compromises. And I think I'll get used to it
Varjo was a little wavy too
I don't want two cables, or the extra weight (not that the Visionary is heavy).
But yeah all in all, the more I get used to it, it's clearly the best PCVR (or other) HMD
I've ever tried. As it should be for the price!
But still a big THANK YOU for making it, I hope it's very successful.
A much needed thing in the current market, at least for those who want the best.
Comfort is also great, especially with counterweights
The colors/contrast are truly out of this world though. Comes close to my OLED TV
Are there any plans to make things like the IPD measurement and virtual desktop work
without manually starting a separate application?
I can only set the contrast slider to from 0 to 93% or to 100% or above.
If I set it to 94%-99%, it instantly snaps back to 100%!
I'm so impressed with how seamless and instant
the transition from and to virtual desktop is! Insane.
And mapping keys to buttons is so useful. You can bind windows key
so that when you use VD it's easy to get your mouse pointer onto the second monitor
(because usually the VR monitor has it captured)
I only get black bars on periphery when FOV is set too small
All FoV tools other than WIMFOV need controllers, right? I don't have hand tracking
looking at the MSFS menu, which includes images of planes,
focusing one one such photo with one eye and then moving back and forth left and right,
a gentle ripple washes through the whole photo, everything morphs slightly
When both are enabled and the game supports openXR,
how does VR1 tool choose whether
to use the VR1 openxr runtime or the steamVR openxr runtime?
How does one even remove the gasket? Haven't tried, do you just yank it out?
I already swapped put the cushion, didn't even notice the screws.
But yeah thinner gasket would be cool.
I guess the current one is big enough to accommodate glasses?
How does the system choose an OXR runtime
  when both steamVR and OpenXR are enabled?
Some games can only use openXR. And there are 2 openxr runtimes possible for VR1,
a Somnium one and a steamVR openxr runtime.
I'm wondering how the VR1 tool decides between the two possible openxr runtimes.
I would expect VR1 tool to also have a "current runtime" setting. But it doesn't have one right?
OXRTK works when set to Legacy Menu mode. Otherwise it's completely in the wrong place, tiny,
and rotates when you move your head lolol. At least when using VRG openXR runtime
if I disable the openXR setting and run MSFS, it runs via steamVR openxr.
So when both are on, how does it know which one to pick?
Maybe it always prefers its own runtime?
MSFS uses whatever is the ACTIVE openxr runtime.
It should be clear in VR1 tool what is currently the active OXR runtime,
the same way steam has that setting, as does Oculus desktop app
I put on the thinnest cushion I have today (Kiwi 6mm for VIVE)
and my FOV increased from 114/96 to 124/102 lol!
BUT now I was also seeing black flashing on left and right periphery like you,
only in steamVR probably.
Guess it was there all along but my FOV wasn't wide enough to see it.
What's the easiest way to install SteamVR Beta?
When I was getting the low FOV values, I was using the Studioform cushion
which VRFSG recommended and which I thought was thinner than stock.
Looking at it more closely, it's actually a bit thicker, especially at the top.
But I think the Kiwi is still slightly thinner than stock
I've had HAGS off for years due to stutters in MSFS.
So now I have a strange issue (assuming in steamVR only) where if I look to the left,
I see some black flashing at the far right periphery and if I look to the right
I see some flashing on the far left periphery. This also happens when I close one eye.
Changing FOV rendering to max doesn't change it, actually made it worse I think
I have 7800x3D btw. Also, the flashing issue doesn't occur via VRG runtime,
only when using steamVR.
100% res at max FOV = 13759x7144, assuming an inner angle of 45 deg,
which makes sense for this estimation
it's the theoretical max. It's meaningless as no one can see it
100% res per eye at min FOV = 2426x2381, again with 45 deg inner angle
Weird issue in interaction with MSFS
By process of elimination, I can now confidently say that MSFS (for me at least)
will always crash one way or another on the first attempt. After simply launching it again,
it loads fine with VR1 connected and I can renter VR without issues. It's then super stable.
But something is going on here,
what could be causing the crash on initial load but making the second load succeed?
Unfortunately now that my FOV has increased to 124 via thinner cushion,
I see more distortions in the periphery when moving head..
very similar to the Aero distortions upon launch probably.
But Varjo improved this via software, hope Somnnium can do the same.
Although it's very possible that my brain will remove these after using it some more.
Havent used the new cushion much yet
I get worse FOV with the stock cushion vs Studioform pimax.
And the latter is also amazingly comfortable.
But the kiwi is very comfortable too considering how thin it is
Compared to Aero, VR1 is pretty much better in every way,
except the software doesn't have a "sync fps to half refresh rate" function.
I don't think the Aero had the wavyness that I see in the middle of the right lens
Going from 90 to 125% in MSFS adds insane amount of extra detail in the distance
Ie building become actual buildings rather than a bunch of shimmering pixels
I tried VR1 with OpenComposite and Dirt Rally 2,
and there are major issues with recentering the VR view. It just puts you in random places.
The same game works fine when running native steamVR.
I think the stock strap is fine with counterweights, even better adding apache strap
Aspherics are definite a whole lot more swimmy than something like the Q3 pancakes.
Those are almost rock solid. My next HMD will definitely be pancake either way
IPD measurement works while you are running an OXR app, not steamVR
Can't say I've noticed (pupil swim change with temperature).
But the HMD doesn't get very warm at all anyway, I doubt they change temp that much
I couldn't get Dirt Rally 2 working properly via OpenComposite, only SteamVR.
I sometimes see the flashing black stuff,
but only when using steamVR runtime (and yes I have steam beta).
But it only seems to happen in steamVR home. But I haven't tried many steamVR games"
(The flashing black lines is 100% software issue. Right from the monday morning
our team will be conducting tests and we will issue a hotfix if needed.)
DAS anchorsβ₯οΈ
Guess which cable is from VR1 and which index

Instead of a power brick I would have preferred one of those where all the weight is at the Socket
and the cable is all light all the way   But its good enough
Feedback:   at the ultraleap step it said 'drivers not installed',
but didn't give me a button to install it, only a next.
later in the software under the drivers tab could I click it
my extension cable might not be proper
for reference, the hd800s don't really fit. but these are gigantic headphones
I think I have 1 [base station] that behaves worse then the other 3.
I'll disable it and see if it makes a difference
Skyrim just gave me a black screen but I did hear sound
Pavlov is still completely broken.
Alyx is playable but I need to dial in some settings, and perhaps turn of my ultrawide screen.
Bladed and sorcery seemed to work mostly fine
Until you fall as well.
I had all [Alyx] settings lowest, didn't see any resolution option though
I also don't know what the relation is between the resolution setting in steamvr vs in the vr1 app
With the SteamVR Beta I didn't have any black bars flickering, performance was solid.

When I looked left and right before it would be all be a bit weirdly moving.
And the eye relief fixed that.. Try -2 or +2
For the hand tracking:  In some games you want to turn it off.
In pavlov i couldn't grab stuff because it was in some sort of quantum state
of using both hand tracking and controlled and using neither for grabbing
You to go to steamvr, settings, turn advanced settings off,
and in the openxr tab disable hand tracking in thwt case.
Or perhaps in the VR1 tool is easier?
I now got good performance on 50% rendering on a 3080. But will depend on the application
Sounds like we need a google doc with pc specs and the settings that reach certain stable fps levels
Foveated rendering only works in openxr applications
How to know which game needs which runtime?
Wellz the VR1 tool needs some improvements to user friendliness
It should probably be a toggle between steamVR and OpenXR
some facescan to make the perfect fitting gasket + cushion would be amazing
after reinstall I never touched hags
I'll be adding the foveated rendering to pavlov to see if I can crank up the fps and then also the resolution
and it needs to use openxr
When using openXR explorer, you can add the VR1 runtime by editing the list and adding this entry:
windows VrEngineers C:\ProgramData\vrg\oxr\vrg_openxr.json
Shodah wasn't using the VR1/vrengineers runtime, he was using the steamVr runtime.
thus he never had any problems with EAC, but also wasn't using foveated rendering
there were 3 screws I couldn't get loose, the screwdriver stripped and the screw a bit as well

I'm just saying, i'm at only 50% and it's already a night and day comparison
I haven't been able to run ANY game with the VRG runtime
the default face cushion is rather thiccc 2cm at it's thickest
honestly the whole openxr runtime and stuch still confuses me
let's put it like this, I have only been able to run the ROV tool through the VRG runtime.
anything else I had to run through the steamvr runtime.
I just played 2 hours of pavlov, and it was GLORIOUS.
buttery smooth, and even at 50% it's crisper then the index
Normally I'm on part with this one guy and I trounced him. I defo have the hardware edge
there is a good chance my friend will also buy one, too bad for him that the queue is loong
my fov is a bit better with this thinner face cushion, no clue why you made such a thiccc boy
My quick and dirty review
You want my opinion? well it's slightly biased
in the sense that I've never tried a pimax crystal or varjo aero.
best I've tried ever was a pimax 5K? Mostly I've used a quest 2 and valve index. but ow boy.
There is no screen door effect, I think if I focus realllllly well I think I see a pixel,
but can also be aliasing, can't tell. everything is crisp and sharp at 50% rendering and buttery smooth
( at least in pavlov) with a little room left to go to 60%.
It's great that you can render at lower resolution and apply sharpening.
My fov is larger then the valve indez and quest 2
it really depends on face shape and especially, the face cushion, the included face cushion is a thicc boy.
I also think the VR Optician lenses are too far from the actual lenses, robbing you off fov.
I would not have any issue with long periods of time using it.
after 2 hours there was no sweatiness inside, no hotness either
and this was with a room temp of 22 degrees celcius .
tracking is flawless.
my headset specifically has the anchor screws too tight
cause some issues with not being able to unscrew them, will give an update on this tomorrow.
There are 2 OpenXR runtimes, steamVR and VREngineer. the VREngineer runtime basically... doesn't work.
I've only had the ROV tool where it worked, everywhere else I tried it did not, and I've tried a few games.
The cable is nice and small and smooth, i've had no tangling whatsoever,
while I had it a bunch with the valve index.
The software is still finicky. sometimes it takes a few tries to get the headset running.
But It's literally the first public release and with some time and fixes
and improvements it will be a good experience.
5800X3d, RTX 3080
Could very well be I adjusted to the lenses
I have not properly tested with VRO prescription lenses. I'll do that tomorrow to make sure
I saw some distortion at outer lens edge in the ROV test,
but it was literally on the last degrees of what I could see
I find FoV an irrational number
I don't think reinstalling Windows is needed. I just did it to prove that point.
I still had issues after reinstalling until switching steamVR versions
Sadly it sound easy. But the reality is that you'll need to play around with
settings from windows, nvidia steamvr and somnium to get a working config for you
I've had multiple times where it was like the software to change settings of the mouse and it's like.. why?"
Steve1734 VR1 experience
- the ipd measurment doesn't seem to be working for me
"i see the diamond in the middle an then it goes away without telling me any ipd,
anyone else have that problem? (It only works while you are running an OXR app, not steamVR )
bu im in vrc"
Ultimate Edition
"So, after I came home today, for me it was now the first time,
- installing and using the VR1 Ultimate Edition π
And oh, boy, it's a lot of USB cables π And Artur,
you are crazy to make also the USB cable housing out of metal π¬

I had not much time to test a lot of the functionality in much detail.
At the beginning, the Ultraleap Module was not recognized.
After plugging the power off and on again,
I was able to also install the Ultraleap Module, which is working now π
Unfortunately, at the beginning I've also got some connection errors for the Mixed Reality Cameras,
but now they are also working. In my room it's a little bit dark,
but in Passthrough I was able to see everything and was able to read text on paper without issues.
Similar to Pico 4 passthrough, mixed realized cameras got very blurry
during head movement.  (turn up the frame rate on the cameras)
If you stand still, amazing sharp camera picture!
Regarding Visual in SteamVR, yes, the picture is super sharp, if you stand still and not moving the head.
in my case, just start the VR1 tool will not turn on the displays for me.
Only after starting steamvr, the display is on.. I also assume, the virtual desktop is an openxr application,
right? Because it's starting in front of my steam vr menu environment
each time I'm opening that amazing storage box, the air smells like a new car
After more than 1 hour in VR with the VR1, it's a very interessting feeling with VR1.
The picture quality is crazy good, and the VR1 Software is also crazy, how much option you have.
But to be honest, a lot the software options I don't understand yet, or are not working yet for me
(at a lot of settings, just nothing changes for me).
Also the buttons seems to not work for me in the software.
At least by trying to open Mixed Reality mode or the button for the Virtual Desktop, nothing happens.
I've set one button for IPD measurement, and by clicking that button,
it's at least trying to start (you see the overlay), but is of course failing due to the eye tracking bug.
After about 30 minutes, the temperatur of the Headset is very warm.
You feel it, if you don't have it on your head all the time,
and after a few minutes you put it on, then it's very warm. So very good for the winter π
I'm using an older nVidia driver 565.90 and get tearing
For brightness, my slider goes from 0% to 100%, and it's snapping at 25%, 50%, 75% etc
And yes, by reducing the brightness and playing with contrast,
you can get also very good "local dimmed" picture with good blacks π
For thoses who are interested in the Cables and it's recognized devices:
- Cable1:
- Power
DisplayPort USB for:
- Valve VR Radio - HID (Most probably controllers receiver)
- Valve LHR - 3Γ HID (most probably LightHouse receiver)
- Valve VR Radio - HID
- Somnium VR1 - COM3, Audio
- LEAP Motion Ultraleap Tracking Camera
- Somnium EyeCam - Camera
- Cable2:
- USB Cable1 for Somnium MRCam - COM4
- USB Cabel2 for Somnium MRCam - COM6
Enabling Windows camera software shows the EyeTracking camera feed π
Buttons on VR1 are also now working for me after the Update π
after enabling eye tracking.. at least, heatmap shows something for me
What exactly is "Calibrate Head pose" for?
With first version of VR1 tool it not had any effect to me.
Just measured IPD with 60% Render resolution,
and getting 84Β° VFOV and about 98Β°-104Β°HFOV..
But I am with 60mm IPD.. I have also a very unfavorable face π
I've switched in the VR1 tool at Headset > Advanced to a custom profile,
and moved all the sliders to it's minimum.
Then I've closed one eye, started increasing the slider for "Horizontal Inner Angle",
until I don't see any increase of picture anymore in the inner view.
Then I did the same for Horizontal Peripheral Angle,
until I stopped seeing any more of the picture view on the outer sides of the lenses.
for me it's Innger Angle = 30Β° and Peripheral Angle = 48Β°
With this settings, I've measure my FOV with HMDTestTool until the max I can see,
and it matches the Steam VR view at it's max, which is then 96Β° HFOV for me

I just wanted to provide first feedback, after reinstalling my Windows 11,
the flickering black bars are gone during regular use of the Headset π
Also the FOV got a little bit better for me with 90Β° VFOV and 104Β° with TestHMD tool
and with WimFOV it's 88Β° VFOV and 109Β°.
I've tried to max it out, by removing the FaceGasket Foam and look into the lenses with my eyes glued on,
and yes, I can see much more from feeling π
The Foam I've finally replace with a VRCover 6mm foam, which I had laying around for my Quest2
and this is very comfy and the visuals are much better. But unfortunately,
now the Lens Housings are standing on my nose, which is not so comfortable, but OK
To be fair, I had already a lot of test Software running,
then all other software stuff for Vive, Aero, Pico, Meta Headsets etc.
and I was running onto the latest nvidia driver bug with incompatibility with corsair iCue software along.
Therefore, instead of investigating into which software could be the culprit,
I've reinstalled windows and installed only minimal software to have a clean start,
and nothing which might interfere otherwise.
This can happen to all kind of software and is nothing to blame VR1 software..
So nothing to worry about"