ESP8266 USB COM adapter e.g. for (Wi-Fi anything or) SimHub Custom (USB) serial devices
26 January 2021
- Prototype using WeMos D1 UNO R1 ESP8266
- ESP8266 IO pins are not 5V tolerant; problematic for directly driving hobby servo PWM
- Clone code from Logitech pedals as separate USB game controller
- D1 UNO uses CH340G chip for USB
- only serial port emulation, not gaming HID
- while it is possible to employ software to remap USB COM device to HID game controller,
why bother when STM32 directly supports HID game controllers - HID virtual device driver workaround: VJoySerialFeeder and/or mi-360 + Serial-Lab
- D1 UNO uses CH340G chip for USB