- esp32s2LED
wrappers for Freenove_WS2812_Lib_for_ESP32 and ESP32_S2_ISR_Servo
for use with sketches expecting traditional library support
- Freenove_WS2812_Lib_for_ESP32
from Arduino
Controls ws2812b RGB LED on ESP32
Arduino install by: Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries
Sample midi.ino reported many redefined's: CFG_TUSB_RHPORT0_MODE, CFG_TUSB_OS,
- ESP32_S2_ISR_Servo
Support for up to 16 PWM hobby servos using one hardware timer interrupt
- ESP32TinyUSB from GitHub
originally from Arduino, but wanted change[s]
msc/flashdisk.cpp and flashdisk.h were hacked to stifle warnings
arduino-1.8.16/portable/packages/esp32 is built with different compiler flags than Documents\Arduino\hardware\espressif ;  problematic for libfatfs
TinyUSB device enabling is configured in
libfatfs warning may be affected by CFG_TUSB_MEM_ALIGN e.g in the same file.
wrapper for ESP32TinyUSB,
replacing Arduino's MIDIUSB
to enable using generic Arduino MIDI sketches with ESP32-S2
MIDIUSB.h includes "esptinyusb.h" as well as "Tmidiusb.h"
copied from ESP32TinyUSB/src/midiusb.h to work around a seeming Arduino bug.
Arduino/libraries/MIDI_LibraryMIDI_Library from Arduino
provides MIDI.h ;  includes midiusb.h , serialMIDI.h
Arduino/libraries/USB-MIDI>USB-MIDI from Arduino
provides midiusb.h ;  depends on MIDIUSB.h , using MidiUSB.read() ,
MidiUSB.sendMIDI(packet) and MidiUSB.flush() , while not declaring MidiUSB
Provides transport layer for the Arduino MIDI Library and Arduino's MIDIUSB;
compatibly with AppleMIDI, ipMIDI and BLE-MIDI transports.
AsyncTCP from GitHub
ESPAsyncWebServer from GitHub
will be used to serve sliders for a MIDI control surface
Libraries with possibly interesting examples:
Control Surface provides support and extensive documentation for MIDI control surface sketches.
Disabling libraries bundled with Arduino:
bleke@ALIENWARE-R7 MSYS /d/packages/Arduino/arduino-1.8.16/libraries>
$ mv Adafruit_Circuit_Playground Esplora Firmata Keyboard Mouse Robot_Motor ../not_libraries/
Where Arduino builds and caches objects
Changing the Tools > Board selection causes Arduino's cache to be cleared e.g. for library rebuilds
ESP32TinyUSB Known issue
Library currently is not working with vanila arduino-esp32,
due to some tinyusb callbacks cannot be overriden and are used by arduino-esp32.
Adding __attribute__ ((weak)) in 3 lines in local arduino file made it work:
disabling ESP32TinyUSB devices not of interest