Jekyll on Windows 10

signal processing, XR, sims, microscopes, STM32, ESP32

Jekyll on Windows 10

4 November 2018

This was written after first Windows 10 installation,
which followed Windows 8.1 installation.
Having multiple Windows PCs enables discovering multiple ways to fail
without the overhead of virtual machines.

The short version: installation using Windows Subsystem for Linux
…which should basically be an Ubuntu Installation
was disappointing. FWIW, a Fedora distro on WSL would be preferred,
but is as yet unsupported and problematic even for better hackers

Jekyll requires Ruby.

Downloaded Ruby WITHOUT Dev toolchain,
.. but that installer anyway ran ridk.cmd,
which prompted for Dev toolchain, to which Enter was pressed..
FWIW, ridk.cmd is a Windows script
that will not run from within a bash shell.

MINGW64 in Ruby is much larger than in Git for Windows or GitHub Desktop:

Git for Windows:

$ du -s /bin /usr
86818   /bin
74850   /usr

GitHub Desktop:

$ du -s $GPATH/mingw64/bin $GPATH/usr
21429   /c/Users/bleke/AppData/Local/GitHubDesktop/app-1.4.3/resources/app/git/mingw64/bin
21254   /c/Users/bleke/AppData/Local/GitHubDesktop/app-1.4.3/resources/app/git/usr


$ du -s /bin /usr
166562  /bin
257421  /usr

GitHub Desktop (and SmartGit) include usable git.exe
Git for Windows seems redundant…

Ruby Bash

Ruby MINGW64 installation includes D:\msys64\msys2_shell.cmd
for which I made a shortcut named Ruby Bash,
snapshot of Ruby Bash shortcut properties
which launches a useful MSYS2 terminal.

Git Bash set $HOME = /c/Users/bleke and extended Windows’ huge $PATH, while
Ruby Bash sets $HOME = /home/bleke, AKA /d/msys64/home/bleke,
and prunes Windows’ $PATH before adding its bin/ directories.
Although Git for WindowsGit Bash seemed nicer than Ruby Bash,
Ruby Bash has more and different things on its path than did Git Bash
and better isolates git / ruby / jekyll bash stuff from Windows..

After using Git Bash for awhile, I eventually reverted to Ruby Bash,
adding more binaries to its path

$ gem install bundler

Successfully installed bundler-1.17.1
Parsing documentation for bundler-1.17.1
Installing ri documentation for bundler-1.17.1
Done installing documentation for bundler after 9 seconds
1 gem installed

Verify Ruby SSL:

$ ruby -ropen-uri -e 'eval open("").read'

(eval):136: warning: constant OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext::METHODS is deprecated
Here's your Ruby and OpenSSL environment:

Ruby:           2.5.3p105 (2018-10-18 revision 65156) [x64-mingw32]
RubyGems:       2.7.6
Bundler:        1.17.1
Compiled with:  OpenSSL 1.1.1  11 Sep 2018
Loaded version: OpenSSL 1.1.1  11 Sep 2018
SSL_CERT_FILE:  D:/Ruby25-x64/ssl/cert.pem
SSL_CERT_DIR:   D:/Ruby25-x64/ssl/certs

With that out of the way, let's see if you can connect to

Bundler connection to       success ?
RubyGems connection to      success ?
Ruby net/http connection to success ?

Hooray! This Ruby can connect to You are all set to use Bundler and RubyGems.

$ gem update --system

click for details ``` Updating rubygems-update Successfully installed rubygems-update-2.7.7 Parsing documentation for rubygems-update-2.7.7 Installing ri documentation for rubygems-update-2.7.7 Installing darkfish documentation for rubygems-update-2.7.7 Bundler 1.16.2 installed RubyGems 2.7.7 installed Regenerating binstubs Parsing documentation for rubygems-2.7.7 Installing ri documentation for rubygems-2.7.7 === 2.7.7 / 2018-05-08 Minor enhancements: * [RequestSet] Only suggest a gem version with an installable platform. Pull request #2175 by Samuel Giddins. * Fixed no assignment variables about default gems installation. Pull request #2181 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Backport improvements for test-case from Ruby core. Pull request #2189 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Fix ruby warnings in test suite. Pull request #2205 by Colby Swandale. * To use Gem::Specification#bindir of bundler instead of hard coded path. Pull request #2208 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Update gem push --help description. Pull request #2215 by Luis Sagastume. * Backport ruby core commits. Pull request #2264 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. Bug fixes: * Frozen string fix - lib/rubygems/bundler_version_finder.rb. Pull request #2115 by MSP-Greg. * Fixed tempfile leak for RubyGems 2.7.6. Pull request #2194 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Add missing requires. Pull request #2196 by David Rodriguez. * Fix Gem::Version.correct?. Pull request #2203 by Masato Nakamura. * Fix verify_entry regex for metadata. Pull request #2212 by Luis Sagastume. * Fix path checks for case insensitive filesystem. Pull request #2211 by Lars Kanis. Compatibility changes: * Deprecate unused code before removing them at #1524. Pull request #2197 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Deprecate for rubygems 3. Pull request #2214 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Mark deprecation to `ubygems.rb` for RubyGems 4. Pull request #2269 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Update bundler-1.16.2. Pull request #2291 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. === 2.7.6 / 2018-02-16 Security fixes: * Prevent path traversal when writing to a symlinked basedir outside of the root. Discovered by nmalkin, fixed by Jonathan Claudius and Samuel Giddins. * Fix possible Unsafe Object Deserialization Vulnerability in gem owner. Fixed by Jonathan Claudius. * Strictly interpret octal fields in tar headers. Discoved by plover, fixed by Samuel Giddins. * Raise a security error when there are duplicate files in a package. Discovered by plover, fixed by Samuel Giddins. * Enforce URL validation on spec homepage attribute. Discovered by Yasin Soliman, fixed by Jonathan Claudius. * Mitigate XSS vulnerability in homepage attribute when displayed via `gem server`. Discovered by Yasin Soliman, fixed by Jonathan Claudius. * Prevent Path Traversal issue during gem installation. Discovered by nmalkin. === 2.7.5 Bug fixes: * To use bundler-1.16.1 #2121 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Fixed leaked FDs. Pull request #2127 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. * Support option for `--destdir` with upgrade installer. #2169 by Thibault Jouan. * Remove PID from gem index directory. #2155 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Avoid a #mkdir race condition #2148 by Samuel Giddins. * Gem::Util.traverse_parents should not crash on permissions error #2147 by Robert Ulejczyk. * Use `` instead of `open`. #2142 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Set whether bundler is used for gemdeps with an environmental variable #2126 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Fix undefined method error when printing alert #1884 by Robert Ross. === 2.7.4 Bug fixes: * Fixed leaked FDs. Pull request #2127 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. * Avoid to warnings about gemspec loadings in rubygems tests. Pull request #2125 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Fix updater with rubygems-2.7.3 Pull request #2124 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Handle environment that does not have `flock` system call. Pull request #2107 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. === 2.7.3 Minor enhancements: * Removed needless version lock. Pull request #2074 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Add --[no-]check-development option to cleanup command. Pull request #2061 by Lin Jen-Shin (godfat). * Merge glob pattern using braces. Pull request #2072 by Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA. * Removed warnings of unused variables. Pull request #2084 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Call using HTTPS. Pull request #2102 by Olle Jonsson. * Remove multi load warning from plugins documentation. Pull request #2103 by Thibault Jouan. Bug fixes: * Fix test failure on Alpine Linux. Pull request #2079 by Ellen Marie Dash. * Avoid encoding issues by using binread in setup. Pull request #2089 by Mauro Morales. * Fix rake install_test_deps once the rake clean_env does not exist. Pull request #2090 by Lucas Oliveira. * Prevent to delete to "bundler-" prefix gem like bundler-audit. Pull request #2086 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Generate .bat files on Windows platform. Pull request #2094 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Workaround common options mutation in Gem::Command test. Pull request #2098 by Thibault Jouan. * Check gems dir existence before removing bundler. Pull request #2104 by Thibault Jouan. * Use setup command --regenerate-binstubs option flag. Pull request #2099 by Thibault Jouan. === 2.7.2 Bug fixes: * Added template files to vendoerd bundler. Pull request #2065 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Added workaround for non-git environment. Pull request #2066 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. === 2.7.1 (2017-11-03) Bug fixes: * Fix `gem update --system` with RubyGems 2.7+. Pull request #2054 by Samuel Giddins. === 2.7.0 (2017-11-02) Major enhancements: * Update vendored bundler-1.16.0. Pull request #2051 by Samuel Giddins. * Use Bundler for Gem.use_gemdeps. Pull request #1674 by Samuel Giddins. * Add command `signin` to `gem` CLI. Pull request #1944 by Shiva Bhusal. * Add Logout feature to CLI. Pull request #1938 by Shiva Bhusal. Minor enhancements: * Added message to uninstall command for gem that is not installed. Pull request #1979 by anant anil kolvankar. * Add --trust-policy option to unpack command. Pull request #1718 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. * Show default gems for all platforms. Pull request #1685 by Konstantin Shabanov. * Add Travis and Appveyor build status to README. Pull request #1918 by Jun Aruga. * Remove warning `no email specified` when no email. Pull request #1675 by Leigh McCulloch. * Improve -rubygems performance. Pull request #1801 by Samuel Giddins. * Improve the performance of Kernel#require. Pull request #1678 by Samuel Giddins. * Improve user-facing messages by consistent casing of Ruby/RubyGems. Pull request #1771 by John Labovitz. * Improve error message when Gem::RuntimeRequirementNotMetError is raised. Pull request #1789 by Luis Sagastume. * Code Improvement: Inheritance corrected. Pull request #1942 by Shiva Bhusal. * [Source] Autoload fileutils. Pull request #1906 by Samuel Giddins. * Use Hash#fetch instead of if/else in Gem::ConfigFile. Pull request #1824 by Daniel Berger. * Require digest when it is used. Pull request #2006 by Samuel Giddins. * Do not index the doc folder in the `update_manifest` task. Pull request #2031 by Colby Swandale. * Don't use two postfix conditionals on one line. Pull request #2038 by Ellen Marie Dash. * [SafeYAML] Avoid warning when Gem::Deprecate.skip is set. Pull request #2034 by Samuel Giddins. * Update gem yank description. Pull request #2009 by David Radcliffe. * Fix formatting of installation instructions in README. Pull request #2018 by Jordan Danford. * Do not use #quick_spec internally. Pull request #1733 by Jon Moss. * Switch from docs to guides reference. Pull request #1886 by Jonathan Claudius. * Happier message when latest version is already installed. Pull request #1956 by Jared Beck. * Update specification reference docs. Pull request #1960 by Grey Baker. * Allow Gem.finish_resolve to respect already-activated specs. Pull request #1910 by Samuel Giddins. * Update cryptography for Gem::Security. Pull request #1691 by Sylvain Daubert. * Don't output mkmf.log message if compilation didn't fail. Pull request #1808 by Jeremy Evans. * Matches_for_glob - remove root path. Pull request #2010 by ahorek. * Gem::Resolver#search_for update for reliable searching/sorting. Pull request #1993 by MSP-Greg. * Allow local installs with transitive prerelease requirements. Pull request #1990 by Samuel Giddins. * Small style fixes to Installer Set. Pull request #1985 by Arthur Marzinkovskiy. * Setup cmd: Avoid terminating option string w/ dot. Pull request #1825 by Olle Jonsson. * Warn when no files are set. Pull request #1773 by Aidan Coyle. * Ensure `to_spec` falls back on prerelease specs. Pull request #1755 by Andre Arko. * [Specification] Eval setting default attributes in #initialize. Pull request #1739 by Samuel Giddins. * Sort ordering of sources is preserved. Pull request #1633 by Nathan Ladd. * Retry with :prerelease when no suggestions are found. Pull request #1696 by Aditya Prakash. * [Rakefile] Run `git submodule update --init` in `rake newb`. Pull request #1694 by Samuel Giddins. * [TestCase] Address comments around ui changes. Pull request #1677 by Samuel Giddins. * Eagerly resolve in activate_bin_path. Pull request #1666 by Samuel Giddins. * [Version] Make hash based upon canonical segments. Pull request #1659 by Samuel Giddins. * Add Ruby Together CTA, rearrange README a bit. Pull request #1775 by Michael Bernstein. * Update Contributing.rdoc with new label usage. Pull request #1716 by Lynn Cyrin. * Add --host sample to help. Pull request #1709 by Code Ahss. * Add a helpful suggestion when `gem install` fails due to required_ruby. Pull request #1697 by Samuel Giddins. * Add cert expiration length flag. Pull request #1725 by Luis Sagastume. * Add submodule instructions to manual install. Pull request #1727 by Joseph Frazier. * Allow usage of multiple `--version` operators. Pull request #1546 by James Wen. * Warn when requiring deprecated files. Pull request #1939 by Ellen Marie Dash. Compatibility changes: * Use `-rrubygems` instead of `-rubygems.rb`. Because ubygems.rb is unavailable on Ruby 2.5. Pull request #2028 #2027 #2029 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Deprecate Gem::InstallerTestCase#util_gem_bindir and Gem::InstallerTestCase#util_gem_dir. Pull request #1729 by Jon Moss. * Deprecate passing options to Gem::GemRunner. Pull request #1730 by Jon Moss. * Add deprecation for Gem#datadir. Pull request #1732 by Jon Moss. * Add deprecation warning for Gem::DependencyInstaller#gems_to_install. Pull request #1731 by Jon Moss. * Update Code of Conduct to Contributor Covenant v1.4.0. Pull request #1796 by Matej. Bug fixes: * Fix issue for MinGW / MSYS2 builds and testing. Pull request #1876 by MSP-Greg. * Fixed broken links and overzealous URL encoding in gem server. Pull request #1809 by Nicole Orchard. * Fix a typo. Pull request #1722 by Koichi ITO. * Fix error message Gem::Security::Policy. Pull request #1724 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. * Fixing links markdown formatting in README. Pull request #1791 by Piotr Kuczynski. * Fix failing Bundler 1.8.7 CI builds. Pull request #1820 by Samuel Giddins. * Fixed test broken on ruby-head . Pull request #1842 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Fix typos with misspell. Pull request #1846 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Fix gem open to open highest version number rather than lowest. Pull request #1877 by Tim Pope. * Fix test_self_find_files_with_gemfile to sort expected files. Pull request #1878 by Kazuaki Matsuo. * Fix typos in CONTRIBUTING.rdoc. Pull request #1909 by Mark Sayson. * Fix some small documentation issues in installer. Pull request #1972 by Colby Swandale. * Fix links in Policies document. Pull request #1964 by Alyssa Ross. * Fix NoMethodError on bundler/inline environment. Pull request #2042 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Correct comments for Gem::InstallerTestCase#setup. Pull request #1741 by MSP-Greg. * Use File.expand_path for certification and key location. Pull request #1987 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Rescue EROFS. Pull request #1417 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. * Fix spelling of 'vulnerability'. Pull request #2022 by Philip Arndt. * Fix metadata link key names. Pull request #1896 by Aditya Prakash. * Fix a typo in uninstall_command.rb. Pull request #1934 by Yasuhiro Horimoto. * Gem::Requirement.create treat arguments as variable-length. Pull request #1830 by Toru YAGI. * Display an explanation when rake encounters an ontological problem. Pull request #1982 by Wilson Bilkovich. * [Server] Handle gems with names ending in `-\d`. Pull request #1926 by Samuel Giddins. * [InstallerSet] Avoid reloading _all_ local gems multiple times during dependency resolution. Pull request #1925 by Samuel Giddins. * Modify the return value of Gem::Version.correct?. Pull request #1916 by Tsukuru Tanimichi. * Validate metadata link keys. Pull request #1834 by Aditya Prakash. * Add changelog to metadata validation. Pull request #1885 by Aditya Prakash. * Replace socket error text message. Pull request #1823 by Daniel Berger. * Raise error if the email is invalid when building cert. Pull request #1779 by Luis Sagastume. * [StubSpecification] Don't iterate through all loaded specs in #to_spec. Pull request #1738 by Samuel Giddins. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RubyGems installed the following executables: D:/Ruby25-x64/bin/gem D:/Ruby25-x64/bin/bundle Ruby Interactive (ri) documentation was installed. ri is kind of like man pages for Ruby libraries. You may access it like this: ri Classname ri Classname.class_method ri Classname#instance_method If you do not wish to install this documentation in the future, use the --no-document flag, or set it as the default in your ~/.gemrc file. See 'gem help env' for details. Done installing documentation for rubygems-update after 25 seconds Parsing documentation for rubygems-update-2.7.7 Done installing documentation for rubygems-update after 0 seconds Installing RubyGems 2.7.7 RubyGems system software updated ```


Modify bash shell environment for Jekyll and (optionally) GitHub Desktop

click for working example files `$ cat .bash_profile` ``` # To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all # copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the # public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty. # You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along # with this software. # If not, see <>. # ~/.bash_profile: executed by bash(1) for login shells. # The copy in your home directory (~/.bash_profile) is yours, please # feel free to customise it to create a shell # environment to your liking. If you feel a change # would be benificial to all, please feel free to send # a patch to the msys2 mailing list. # User dependent .bash_profile file # source the users bashrc if it exists if [ -f "${HOME}/.bashrc" ] ; then source "${HOME}/.bashrc" fi # Set PATH to include Ruby bin/ if it exists if [ -d "/d/Ruby25-x64/bin" ] ; then PATH="/d/Ruby25-x64/bin:${PATH}" # 10/26/2018 possibly required by pacman export DEV=/d fi # Set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists if [ -d "${HOME}/bin" ] ; then PATH="${HOME}/bin:${PATH}" fi if [ -d "/c/WINDOWS/System32/OpenSSH" ] ; then PATH="${PATH}:/c/WINDOWS/System32/OpenSSH" fi # GitHub Desktop has git.exe in $GPATH/mingw64/bin/ GPATH=${ORIGINAL_TEMP%/Temp} GPATH="${GPATH}/GitHubDesktop/app-1.4.3/resources/app/git" # Set MANPATH so it includes users' private man if it exists # if [ -d "${HOME}/man" ]; then # MANPATH="${HOME}/man:${MANPATH}" # fi # Set INFOPATH so it includes users' private info if it exists # if [ -d "${HOME}/info" ]; then # INFOPATH="${HOME}/info:${INFOPATH}" # fi # 10/26/2018 # GitHub Pages Jekyll helpers export JEKYLL_GITHUB_TOKEN=123456789your_token_here0987654321abcdef alias g="cd /d/Git/" alias serve="${HOME}/bin/serve" alias unserve="taskkill //IM ruby.exe //F" # remove vim debris alias rmv="rm *~ .[._a-Z]*~" # Windows command compatibility alias path="echo $PATH" ``` `$ cat ~/bin/serve` ``` echo bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental ``` `$ exit`, then re-launch **Ruby Bash**



$ gem install jekyll

click for details ``` Successfully installed public_suffix-3.0.3 Successfully installed addressable-2.5.2 Successfully installed colorator-1.1.0 Temporarily enhancing PATH for MSYS/MINGW... Building native extensions. This could take a while... Successfully installed http_parser.rb-0.6.0 Successfully installed eventmachine-1.2.7-x64-mingw32 Successfully installed em-websocket-0.5.1 Successfully installed concurrent-ruby-1.0.5 Successfully installed i18n-0.9.5 Successfully installed rb-fsevent-0.10.3 Successfully installed ffi-1.9.25-x64-mingw32 Successfully installed rb-inotify-0.9.10 Successfully installed sass-listen-4.0.0 Ruby Sass is deprecated and will be unmaintained as of 26 March 2019. * If you use Sass as a command-line tool, we recommend using Dart Sass, the new primary implementation: * If you use Sass as a plug-in for a Ruby web framework, we recommend using the sassc gem: * For more details, please refer to the Sass blog: Successfully installed sass-3.6.0 Successfully installed jekyll-sass-converter-1.5.2 Successfully installed ruby_dep-1.5.0 Successfully installed listen-3.1.5 Successfully installed jekyll-watch-2.1.2 Successfully installed kramdown-1.17.0 Successfully installed liquid-4.0.1 Successfully installed mercenary-0.3.6 Successfully installed forwardable-extended-2.6.0 Successfully installed pathutil-0.16.1 Successfully installed rouge-3.3.0 Successfully installed safe_yaml-1.0.4 Successfully installed jekyll-3.8.4 Parsing documentation for public_suffix-3.0.3 Installing ri documentation for public_suffix-3.0.3 Parsing documentation for addressable-2.5.2 Installing ri documentation for addressable-2.5.2 Parsing documentation for colorator-1.1.0 Installing ri documentation for colorator-1.1.0 Parsing documentation for http_parser.rb-0.6.0 Installing ri documentation for http_parser.rb-0.6.0 Parsing documentation for eventmachine-1.2.7-x64-mingw32 Installing ri documentation for eventmachine-1.2.7-x64-mingw32 Parsing documentation for em-websocket-0.5.1 Installing ri documentation for em-websocket-0.5.1 Parsing documentation for concurrent-ruby-1.0.5 Installing ri documentation for concurrent-ruby-1.0.5 Parsing documentation for i18n-0.9.5 Installing ri documentation for i18n-0.9.5 Parsing documentation for rb-fsevent-0.10.3 Installing ri documentation for rb-fsevent-0.10.3 Parsing documentation for ffi-1.9.25-x64-mingw32 Installing ri documentation for ffi-1.9.25-x64-mingw32 Parsing documentation for rb-inotify-0.9.10 Installing ri documentation for rb-inotify-0.9.10 Parsing documentation for sass-listen-4.0.0 Installing ri documentation for sass-listen-4.0.0 Parsing documentation for sass-3.6.0 Installing ri documentation for sass-3.6.0 Parsing documentation for jekyll-sass-converter-1.5.2 Installing ri documentation for jekyll-sass-converter-1.5.2 Parsing documentation for ruby_dep-1.5.0 Installing ri documentation for ruby_dep-1.5.0 Parsing documentation for listen-3.1.5 Installing ri documentation for listen-3.1.5 Parsing documentation for jekyll-watch-2.1.2 Installing ri documentation for jekyll-watch-2.1.2 Parsing documentation for kramdown-1.17.0 Installing ri documentation for kramdown-1.17.0 Parsing documentation for liquid-4.0.1 Installing ri documentation for liquid-4.0.1 Parsing documentation for mercenary-0.3.6 Installing ri documentation for mercenary-0.3.6 Parsing documentation for forwardable-extended-2.6.0 Installing ri documentation for forwardable-extended-2.6.0 Parsing documentation for pathutil-0.16.1 Installing ri documentation for pathutil-0.16.1 Parsing documentation for rouge-3.3.0 Installing ri documentation for rouge-3.3.0 Parsing documentation for safe_yaml-1.0.4 Installing ri documentation for safe_yaml-1.0.4 Parsing documentation for jekyll-3.8.4 Installing ri documentation for jekyll-3.8.4 Done installing documentation for public_suffix, addressable, colorator, http_parser.rb, eventmachine, em-websocket, concurrent-ruby, i18n, rb-fsevent, ffi, rb-inotify, sass-listen, sass, jekyll-sass-converter, ruby_dep, listen, jekyll-watch, kramdown, liquid, mercenary, forwardable-extended, pathutil, rouge, safe_yaml, jekyll after 36 seconds 25 gems installed ```


Installing a dummy Jekyll home page

Since already has a GitHub Pages repository for blekenbleu
Jekyll for Windows 10 was tested on a different drive:
$ cd /d/Git/blekenbleu
$ jekyll new

click for details ``` Running bundle install in D:/Git/ Bundler: Fetching gem metadata from Bundler: Fetching gem metadata from Bundler: Resolving dependencies... Bundler: Using public_suffix 3.0.3 Bundler: Using addressable 2.5.2 Bundler: Using bundler 1.17.1 Bundler: Using colorator 1.1.0 Bundler: Using concurrent-ruby 1.0.5 Bundler: Using eventmachine 1.2.7 (x64-mingw32) Bundler: Using http_parser.rb 0.6.0 Bundler: Using em-websocket 0.5.1 Bundler: Using ffi 1.9.25 (x64-mingw32) Bundler: Using forwardable-extended 2.6.0 Bundler: Using i18n 0.9.5 Bundler: Using rb-fsevent 0.10.3 Bundler: Using rb-inotify 0.9.10 Bundler: Using sass-listen 4.0.0 Bundler: Using sass 3.6.0 Bundler: Using jekyll-sass-converter 1.5.2 Bundler: Using ruby_dep 1.5.0 Bundler: Using listen 3.1.5 Bundler: Using jekyll-watch 2.1.2 Bundler: Using kramdown 1.17.0 Bundler: Using liquid 4.0.1 Bundler: Using mercenary 0.3.6 Bundler: Using pathutil 0.16.1 Bundler: Using rouge 3.3.0 Bundler: Using safe_yaml 1.0.4 Bundler: Using jekyll 3.8.4 Bundler: Fetching jekyll-feed 0.11.0 Bundler: Installing jekyll-feed 0.11.0 Bundler: Fetching jekyll-seo-tag 2.5.0 Bundler: Installing jekyll-seo-tag 2.5.0 Bundler: Fetching minima 2.5.0 Bundler: Installing minima 2.5.0 Bundler: Fetching thread_safe 0.3.6 Bundler: Installing thread_safe 0.3.6 Bundler: Fetching tzinfo 1.2.5 Bundler: Installing tzinfo 1.2.5 Bundler: Fetching tzinfo-data 1.2018.6 Bundler: Installing tzinfo-data 1.2018.6 Bundler: Fetching wdm 0.1.1 Bundler: Installing wdm 0.1.1 with native extensions Bundler: Bundle complete! 5 Gemfile dependencies, 33 gems now installed. Bundler: Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed. New jekyll site installed in D:/Git/ ```


Lauch local Jekyl test page

$ cd /d/Git/
$ serve

bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental
Configuration file: D:/Git/
            Source: D:/Git/
       Destination: D:/Git/
 Incremental build: enabled
       Jekyll Feed: Generating feed for posts
                    done in 0.638 seconds.
 Auto-regeneration: enabled for 'D:/Git/'
    Server address:
  Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.
[2018-10-26 09:54:23] ERROR `/favicon.ico' not found.

Install GitHub Desktop

After trying SmartGit, I reverted to GitHub Desktop.

click for GitHub Desktop details If **GitHub Desktop**, then add to [Windows User Path]( `%LOCALAPPDATA%\GitHubDesktop\app-1.4.3\resources\app\git\mingw64\bin` that **GitHub Desktop** finds `git.exe` FWIW, **GitHub Desktop** installs many command-line biinaries in `%LOCALAPPDATA%\GitHubDesktop\app-1.4.3\resources\app\git\mingw64\bin\` and `%LOCALAPPDATA%\GitHubDesktop\app-1.4.3\resources\app\git\usr\bin\` .. but does not by default use them. Also FWIW, **GitHub Desktop** has a menu item for opening an external editor, but seemingly only [Atom]( actually works on Windows..


Clone GitHub Pages repository

.. if already created, else:

Configure Jekyll for GitHub Pages

Enable bundle exec jekyll serve for documentation repository from
$ cd /d/Git/
$ cat _config.yml

#theme: jekyll-theme-minimal
theme: jekyll-theme-tactile
# theme: jekyll-theme-primer
repository: blekenbleu/
#github: [metadata]
#markdown: CommonMarkGhPages
baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site

$ cat Gemfile

source ''
# required for Jekyll to detect folder changes for --incremental
gem 'wdm', '>= 0.1.0' if Gem.win_platform?
# required for Jekyll to emulate GitHub Pages theme
gem 'github-pages'				# Windows Jekyll: no theme
#gem 'github-pages', group: :jekyll_plugins  # GitHub Pages Action times out
# required since Ruby 3.0 for `bundle exec jekyll serve`
gem "webrick", "~> 1.8"

$ bundle install

click for details ``` Fetching gem metadata from Using concurrent-ruby 1.0.5 Using i18n 0.9.5 Fetching minitest 5.11.3 Installing minitest 5.11.3 Using thread_safe 0.3.6 Using tzinfo 1.2.5 Fetching activesupport 4.2.10 Installing activesupport 4.2.10 Fetching public_suffix 2.0.5 Installing public_suffix 2.0.5 Using addressable 2.5.2 Using bundler 1.17.1 Fetching coffee-script-source 1.11.1 Installing coffee-script-source 1.11.1 Fetching execjs 2.7.0 Installing execjs 2.7.0 Fetching coffee-script 2.4.1 Installing coffee-script 2.4.1 Using colorator 1.1.0 Fetching ruby-enum 0.7.2 Installing ruby-enum 0.7.2 Fetching commonmarker 0.17.13 Installing commonmarker 0.17.13 with native extensions Fetching dnsruby 1.61.2 Installing dnsruby 1.61.2 Using eventmachine 1.2.7 (x64-mingw32) Using http_parser.rb 0.6.0 Using em-websocket 0.5.1 Using ffi 1.9.25 (x64-mingw32) Fetching ethon 0.11.0 Installing ethon 0.11.0 Fetching multipart-post 2.0.0 Installing multipart-post 2.0.0 Fetching faraday 0.15.3 Installing faraday 0.15.3 Using forwardable-extended 2.6.0 Fetching gemoji 3.0.0 Installing gemoji 3.0.0 Fetching sawyer 0.8.1 Installing sawyer 0.8.1 Fetching octokit 4.13.0 Installing octokit 4.13.0 Fetching typhoeus 1.3.0 Installing typhoeus 1.3.0 Fetching github-pages-health-check 1.8.1 Installing github-pages-health-check 1.8.1 Using rb-fsevent 0.10.3 Using rb-inotify 0.9.10 Using sass-listen 4.0.0 Using sass 3.6.0 Using jekyll-sass-converter 1.5.2 Using ruby_dep 1.5.0 Using listen 3.1.5 Using jekyll-watch 2.1.2 Using kramdown 1.17.0 Fetching liquid 4.0.0 Installing liquid 4.0.0 Using mercenary 0.3.6 Using pathutil 0.16.1 Fetching rouge 2.2.1 Installing rouge 2.2.1 Using safe_yaml 1.0.4 Fetching jekyll 3.7.4 Installing jekyll 3.7.4 Fetching jekyll-avatar 0.6.0 Installing jekyll-avatar 0.6.0 Fetching jekyll-coffeescript 1.1.1 Installing jekyll-coffeescript 1.1.1 Fetching jekyll-commonmark 1.2.0 Installing jekyll-commonmark 1.2.0 Fetching jekyll-commonmark-ghpages 0.1.5 Installing jekyll-commonmark-ghpages 0.1.5 Fetching jekyll-default-layout 0.1.4 Installing jekyll-default-layout 0.1.4 Fetching jekyll-feed 0.10.0 Installing jekyll-feed 0.10.0 Fetching jekyll-gist 1.5.0 Installing jekyll-gist 1.5.0 Fetching jekyll-github-metadata 2.9.4 Installing jekyll-github-metadata 2.9.4 Fetching mini_portile2 2.3.0 Installing mini_portile2 2.3.0 Fetching nokogiri 1.8.5 (x64-mingw32) Installing nokogiri 1.8.5 (x64-mingw32) Fetching html-pipeline 2.8.4 Installing html-pipeline 2.8.4 Fetching jekyll-mentions 1.4.1 Installing jekyll-mentions 1.4.1 Fetching jekyll-optional-front-matter 0.3.0 Installing jekyll-optional-front-matter 0.3.0 Fetching jekyll-paginate 1.1.0 Installing jekyll-paginate 1.1.0 Fetching jekyll-readme-index 0.2.0 Installing jekyll-readme-index 0.2.0 Fetching jekyll-redirect-from 0.14.0 Installing jekyll-redirect-from 0.14.0 Fetching jekyll-relative-links 0.5.3 Installing jekyll-relative-links 0.5.3 Fetching rubyzip 1.2.2 Installing rubyzip 1.2.2 Fetching jekyll-remote-theme 0.3.1 Installing jekyll-remote-theme 0.3.1 Using jekyll-seo-tag 2.5.0 Fetching jekyll-sitemap 1.2.0 Installing jekyll-sitemap 1.2.0 Fetching jekyll-swiss 0.4.0 Installing jekyll-swiss 0.4.0 Fetching jekyll-theme-architect 0.1.1 Installing jekyll-theme-architect 0.1.1 Fetching jekyll-theme-cayman 0.1.1 Installing jekyll-theme-cayman 0.1.1 Fetching jekyll-theme-dinky 0.1.1 Installing jekyll-theme-dinky 0.1.1 Fetching jekyll-theme-hacker 0.1.1 Installing jekyll-theme-hacker 0.1.1 Fetching jekyll-theme-leap-day 0.1.1 Installing jekyll-theme-leap-day 0.1.1 Fetching jekyll-theme-merlot 0.1.1 Installing jekyll-theme-merlot 0.1.1 Fetching jekyll-theme-midnight 0.1.1 Installing jekyll-theme-midnight 0.1.1 Fetching jekyll-theme-minimal 0.1.1 Installing jekyll-theme-minimal 0.1.1 Fetching jekyll-theme-modernist 0.1.1 Installing jekyll-theme-modernist 0.1.1 Fetching jekyll-theme-primer 0.5.3 Installing jekyll-theme-primer 0.5.3 Fetching jekyll-theme-slate 0.1.1 Installing jekyll-theme-slate 0.1.1 Fetching jekyll-theme-tactile 0.1.1 Installing jekyll-theme-tactile 0.1.1 Fetching jekyll-theme-time-machine 0.1.1 Installing jekyll-theme-time-machine 0.1.1 Fetching jekyll-titles-from-headings 0.5.1 Installing jekyll-titles-from-headings 0.5.1 Fetching jemoji 0.10.1 Installing jemoji 0.10.1 Using minima 2.5.0 Fetching unicode-display_width 1.4.0 Installing unicode-display_width 1.4.0 Fetching terminal-table 1.8.0 Installing terminal-table 1.8.0 Fetching github-pages 192 Installing github-pages 192 Using wdm 0.1.1 Bundle complete! 2 Gemfile dependencies, 86 gems now installed. Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed. Post-install message from dnsruby: Installing dnsruby... For issues and source code: For general discussion (please tell us how you use dnsruby):!forum/dnsruby Post-install message from nokogiri: Nokogiri is built with the packaged libraries: libxml2-2.9.8, libxslt-1.1.32, zlib-1.2.11, libiconv-1.15. Post-install message from html-pipeline: ------------------------------------------------- Thank you for installing html-pipeline! You must bundle Filter gem dependencies. See html-pipeline for more details. ------------------------------------------------- ```


Launch GitHub Pages locally

Using my alias and/or script:
$ serve

bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental
Configuration file: D:/Git/
            Source: D:/Git/
       Destination: D:/Git/
 Incremental build: enabled
                    done in 0.718 seconds.
 Auto-regeneration: enabled for 'D:/Git/'
    Server address:  
  Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.

Problem workarounds

  • jekyll serve -- incremental option can be occasionally problematic
    Workaround: $ bundle exec jekyll serve (without -- incremental)
  • Ruby git.exe installed by pacman reported files in cloned repository as modified.
    • Do NOT install git by pacman.
    • Instead, link SmartGit or GitHub Desktop’s mingw64/bin to /usr/bin/local, e.g.:
      $ ln -s $GPATH/mingw64/bin /usr/local/
  • jekyll build Error: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
    Workaround: find offending characters to be edited out:
    $ grep -axv '.*' | less
  • In Ruby Bash window, Ctrl+C to bundle exec jekyll serve does NOT stop port 4000 service
    It does allows window reuse for other purposes… Workaround: To kill HTTP service:
    $ grep unserve ~/.bash_profile
    alias unserve="taskkill //IM ruby.exe //F"

June 21, 2021 (on Aurora)

$ ruby -ropen-uri -e 'eval open("").read'
Here's your Ruby and OpenSSL environment:

Ruby:           2.5.3p105 (2018-10-18 revision 65156) [x64-mingw32]
RubyGems:       2.7.7
Bundler:        2.1.4
Compiled with:  OpenSSL 1.1.1  11 Sep 2018
Loaded version: OpenSSL 1.1.1  11 Sep 2018
SSL_CERT_FILE:  D:/Ruby25-x64/ssl/cert.pem
SSL_CERT_DIR:   D:/Ruby25-x64/ssl/certs

With that out of the way, let's see if you can connect to

Bundler connection to       success ?
RubyGems connection to      success ?
Ruby net/http connection to success ?

Hooray! This Ruby can connect to You are all set to use Bundler and RubyGems.

$ gem update --system

click for details ``` Updating rubygems-update Successfully installed rubygems-update-3.2.20 Parsing documentation for rubygems-update-3.2.20 Installing ri documentation for rubygems-update-3.2.20 Installing darkfish documentation for rubygems-update-3.2.20 Successfully built RubyGem Name: bundler Version: 2.2.20 File: bundler-2.2.20.gem Bundler 2.2.20 installed RubyGems 3.2.20 installed Regenerating binstubs Regenerating plugins Parsing documentation for rubygems-3.2.20 Installing ri documentation for rubygems-3.2.20 # 3.2.20 / 2021-06-11 ## Security fixes: * Verify plaform before installing to avoid potential remote code execution. Pull request #4667 by sonalkr132 ## Enhancements: * Add better specification policy error description. Pull request #4658 by ceritium # 3.2.19 / 2021-05-31 ## Enhancements: * Fix `gem help build` output format. Pull request #4613 by tnir # 3.2.18 / 2021-05-25 ## Enhancements: * Don't leave temporary directory around when building extensions to improve build reproducibility. Pull request #4610 by baloo # 3.2.17 / 2021-05-05 ## Enhancements: * Only print month & year in deprecation messages. Pull request #3085 by Schwad * Make deprecate method support ruby3's keyword arguments. Pull request #4558 by mame * Update the default bindir on macOS. Pull request #4524 by nobu * Prefer instead of Kernel#open. Pull request #4529 by mame ## Documentation: * Fix usage messages to reflect the current POSIX-compatible behaviour. Pull request #4551 by graywolf-at-work # 3.2.16 / 2021-04-08 ## Bug fixes: * Correctly handle symlinks. Pull request #2836 by voxik # 3.2.15 / 2021-03-19 ## Enhancements: * Prevent downgrades to untested rubygems versions. Pull request #4460 by deivid-rodriguez ## Bug fixes: * Fix missing require breaking `gem cert`. Pull request #4464 by lukehinds # 3.2.14 / 2021-03-08 ## Enhancements: * Less wrapping of network errors. Pull request #4064 by deivid-rodriguez ## Bug fixes: * Revert addition of support for `musl` variants to restore graceful fallback on Alpine. Pull request #4434 by deivid-rodriguez # 3.2.13 / 2021-03-03 ## Bug fixes: * Support non-gnu libc linux platforms. Pull request #4082 by lloeki # 3.2.12 / 2021-03-01 ## Bug fixes: * Restore the ability to manually install extension gems. Pull request #4384 by cfis # 3.2.11 / 2021-02-17 ## Enhancements: * Optionally fallback to IPv4 when IPv6 is unreachable. Pull request #2662 by sonalkr132 # 3.2.10 / 2021-02-15 ## Documentation: * Add a `gem push` example to `gem help`. Pull request #4373 by deivid-rodriguez * Improve documentation for `required_ruby_version`. Pull request #4343 by AlexWayfer # 3.2.9 / 2021-02-08 ## Bug fixes: * Fix error message when underscore selection can't find bundler. Pull request #4363 by deivid-rodriguez * Fix `Gem::Specification.stubs_for` returning wrong named specs. Pull request #4356 by tompng * Don't error out when activating a binstub unless necessary. Pull request #4351 by deivid-rodriguez * Fix `gem outdated` incorrectly handling platform specific gems. Pull request #4248 by deivid-rodriguez # 3.2.8 / 2021-02-02 ## Bug fixes: * Fix `gem install` crashing on gemspec with nil required_ruby_version. Pull request #4334 by pbernays # 3.2.7 / 2021-01-26 ## Bug fixes: * Generate plugin wrappers with relative requires. Pull request #4317 by deivid-rodriguez # 3.2.6 / 2021-01-18 ## Enhancements: * Fix `Gem::Platform#inspect` showing duplicate information. Pull request #4276 by deivid-rodriguez ## Bug fixes: * Swallow any system call error in `ensure_gem_subdirs` to support jruby embedded paths. Pull request #4291 by kares * Restore accepting custom make command with extra options as the `make` env variable. Pull request #4271 by terceiro # 3.2.5 / 2021-01-11 ## Bug fixes: * Don't load more specs after the whole set of specs has been setup. Pull request #4262 by deivid-rodriguez * Fix broken `bundler` executable after `gem update --system`. Pull request #4221 by deivid-rodriguez # 3.2.4 / 2020-12-31 ## Enhancements: * Use a CHANGELOG in markdown for rubygems. Pull request #4168 by deivid-rodriguez * Never spawn subshells when building extensions. Pull request #4190 by deivid-rodriguez ## Bug fixes: * Fix fallback to the old index and installation from it not working. Pull request #4213 by deivid-rodriguez * Fix installing from source on truffleruby. Pull request #4201 by deivid-rodriguez # 3.2.3 / 2020-12-22 ## Enhancements: * Fix misspellings in default API key name. Pull request #4177 by hsbt ## Bug fixes: * Respect `required_ruby_version` and `required_rubygems_version` constraints when looking for `gem install` candidates. Pull request #4110 by deivid-rodriguez # 3.2.2 / 2020-12-17 ## Bug fixes: * Fix issue where CLI commands making more than one request to needing an OTP code would crash or ask for the code twice. Pull request #4162 by sonalkr132 * Fix building rake extensions that require openssl. Pull request #4165 by deivid-rodriguez * Fix `gem update --system` displaying too many changelog entries. Pull request #4145 by deivid-rodriguez # 3.2.1 / 2020-12-14 ## Enhancements: * Added help message for gem i webrick in gem server command. Pull request #4117 by hsbt ## Bug fixes: * Added the missing loading of fileutils same as load_specs. Pull request #4124 by hsbt * Fix Resolver::APISet to always include prereleases when necessary. Pull request #4113 by deivid-rodriguez # 3.2.0 / 2020-12-07 ## Enhancements: * Do not override Kernel#warn when there is no need. Pull request #4075 by eregon * Update endpoint of gem signin command. Pull request #3840 by sonalkr132 * Omit deprecated commands from command help output. Pull request #4023 by landongrindheim * Suggest alternatives in `gem query` deprecation. Pull request #4021 by landongrindheim * Lazily load `time`, `cgi`, and `zlib`. Pull request #4010 by deivid-rodriguez * Don't hit the network when installing dependencyless local gemspec. Pull request #3968 by deivid-rodriguez * Add `--force` option to `gem sources` command. Pull request #3956 by andy-smith-msm * Lazily load `openssl`. Pull request #3850 by deivid-rodriguez * Pass more information when comparing platforms. Pull request #3817 by eregon ## Bug fixes: * Use better owner & group for files in rubygems package. Pull request #4065 by deivid-rodriguez * Improve gem build -C flag. Pull request #3983 by bronzdoc * Handle unexpected behavior with URI#merge and subpaths missing trailing slashes. Pull request #3123 by drcapulet * Add missing `fileutils` require in rubygems installer. Pull request #4036 by deivid-rodriguez * Fix `--platform` option to `gem specification` being ignored. Pull request #4043 by deivid-rodriguez * Expose `--no-minimal-deps` flag to install the latest version of dependencies. Pull request #4030 by deivid-rodriguez * Fix "stack level too deep" error when overriding `Warning.warn`. Pull request #3987 by eregon * Append '.gemspec' extension only when it is not present. Pull request #3988 by voxik * Install to correct plugins dir when using `--build-root`. Pull request #3972 by deivid-rodriguez * Fix `--build-root` flag under Windows. Pull request #3975 by deivid-rodriguez * Fix `typo_squatting?` false positive for `` itself. Pull request #3951 by andy-smith-msm * Make `--default` and `--install-dir` options to `gem install` play nice together. Pull request #3906 by deivid-rodriguez ## Deprecations: * Deprecate server command. Pull request #3868 by bronzdoc ## Performance: * Don't change ruby process CWD when building extensions. Pull request #3498 by deivid-rodriguez # 3.2.0.rc.2 / 2020-10-08 ## Enhancements: * Make --dry-run flag consistent across rubygems commands. Pull request #3867 by bronzdoc * Disallow downgrades to too old versions. Pull request #3566 by deivid-rodriguez * Added `--platform` option to `build` command. Pull request #3079 by nobu * Have "gem update --system" pass through the `--silent` flag. Pull request #3789 by duckinator * Add writable check for cache dir. Pull request #3876 by xndcn * Warn on duplicate dependency in a specification. Pull request #3864 by bronzdoc * Fix indentation in `gem env`. Pull request #3861 by colby-swandale * Let more exceptions flow. Pull request #3819 by deivid-rodriguez * Ignore internal frames in RubyGems' Kernel#warn. Pull request #3810 by eregon ## Bug fixes: * Add missing fileutils require. Pull request #3911 by deivid-rodriguez * Fix false positive warning on Windows when PATH has `File::ALT_SEPARATOR`. Pull request #3829 by deivid-rodriguez * Fix Kernel#warn override to handle backtrace location with nil path. Pull request #3852 by jeremyevans * Don't format executables on `gem update --system`. Pull request #3811 by deivid-rodriguez * `gem install --user` fails with `Gem::FilePermissionError` on the system plugins directory. Pull request #3804 by nobu ## Performance: * Avoid duplicated generation of APISpecification objects. Pull request #3940 by mame * Eval defaults with frozen_string_literal: true. Pull request #3847 by casperisfine * Deduplicate the requirement operators in memory. Pull request #3846 by casperisfine * Optimize Gem.already_loaded?. Pull request #3793 by casperisfine # 3.2.0.rc.1 / 2020-07-04 ## Enhancements: * Test TruffleRuby in CI. Pull request #2797 by Benoit Daloze. * Rework plugins system and speed up rubygems. Pull request #3108 by David Rodriguez. * Specify explicit separator not to be affected by $;. Pull request #3424 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. * Enable `Layout/ExtraSpacing` cop. Pull request #3449 by David Rodriguez. * Rollback gem deprecate. Pull request #3530 by Luis Sagastume. * Normalize heredoc delimiters. Pull request #3533 by David Rodriguez. * Log messages to stdout in `rake package`. Pull request #3632 by David Rodriguez. * Remove explicit `psych` activation. Pull request #3636 by David Rodriguez. * Delay `fileutils` loading to fix some warnings. Pull request #3637 by David Rodriguez. * Make sure rubygems/package can be directly required reliably. Pull request #3670 by Luis Sagastume. * Make sure `tmp` folder exists before calling `Dir.tmpdir`. Pull request #3711 by David Rodriguez. * Add Gem.disable_system_update_message to disable gem update --system if needed. Pull request #3720 by Josef imanek. * Tweaks to play nice with ruby-core setup. Pull request #3733 by David Rodriguez. * Remove explicit require for auto-loaded constant. Pull request #3751 by Karol Bucek. * Test files should not be included in spec.files. Pull request #3758 by Marc-Andre Lafortune. * Remove TODO comment about warning on setting instead of pushing. Pull request #2823 by Luis Sagastume. * Add deprecate command method. Pull request #2935 by Luis Sagastume. * Simplify deprecate command method. Pull request #2974 by Luis Sagastume. * Fix Gem::LOADED_SPECS_MUTEX handling for recursive locking. Pull request #2985 by MSP-Greg. * Add `funding_uri ` metadata field to gemspec. Pull request #3060 by Colby Swandale. * Updates to some old gem-signing docs. Pull request #3063 by Tieg Zaharia. * Update the gem method for Gem::Installer. Pull request #3137 by Daniel Berger. * Simplify initial gem help output. Pull request #3148 by Olivier Lacan. * Resolve latest version via `gem contents`. Pull request #3149 by Dan Rice. * Install suggestions. Pull request #3151 by Sophia Castellarin. * Only rescue the errors we actually want to rescue. Pull request #3156 by David Rodriguez. ## Bug fixes: * Accept not only /usr/bin/env but also /bin/env in some tests. Pull request #3422 by Yusuke Endoh. * Skip a test that attempts to remove the current directory on Solaris. Pull request #3423 by Yusuke Endoh. * Fix race condition on bundler's parallel installer. Pull request #3440 by David Rodriguez. * Fix platform comparison check in #contains_requirable_file?. Pull request #3495 by Benoit Daloze. * Improve missing spec error. Pull request #3559 by Luis Sagastume. * Fix hidden bundler template installation from rubygems updater. Pull request #3674 by David Rodriguez. * Fix gem update --user-install. Pull request #2901 by Luis Sagastume. * Correct conflict list when uninstallation is prevented. Pull request #2973 by David Rodriguez. * Fix error when trying to find bundler with a deleted "working directory. Pull request #3090 by Luis Sagastume. * Fix -I require priority. Pull request #3124 by David Rodriguez. * Fix `ruby setup.rb` for new plugins layout. Pull request #3144 by David Rodriguez. ## Deprecations: * Set deprecation warning on query command. Pull request #2967 by Luis Sagastume. ## Breaking changes: * Remove ruby 1.8 leftovers. Pull request #3442 by David Rodriguez. * Minitest cleanup. Pull request #3445 by David Rodriguez. * Remove `builder` gem requirement for `gem regenerate_index`. Pull request #3552 by David Rodriguez. * Remove modelines for consistency. Pull request #3714 by David Rodriguez. * Stop using deprecated OpenSSL::Digest constants. Pull request #3763 by Bart de Water. * Remove Gem module deprecated methods. Pull request #3101 by Luis Sagastume. * Remove ubygems.rb. Pull request #3102 by Luis Sagastume. * Remove Gem::Commands::QueryCommand. Pull request #3104 by Luis Sagastume. * Remove dependency installer deprecated methods. Pull request #3106 by Luis Sagastume. * Remove Gem::UserInteraction#debug method. Pull request #3107 by Luis Sagastume. * Remove options from Pull request #3110 by Luis Sagastume. * Remove deprecated Gem::RemoteFetcher#fetch_size. Pull request #3111 by Luis Sagastume. * Remove source_exception from Gem::Exception. Pull request #3112 by Luis Sagastume. * Requiring rubygems/source_specific_file is deprecated, remove it. Pull request #3114 by Luis Sagastume. # 3.1.4 / 2020-06-03 ## Enhancements: * Deprecate rubyforge_project attribute only during build time. Pull request #3609 by Josef imanek. * Update links. Pull request #3610 by Josef imanek. * Run CI at 3.1 branch head as well. Pull request #3677 by Josef imanek. * Remove failing ubuntu-rvm CI flow. Pull request #3611 by Josef imanek. # 3.1.3 / 2020-05-05 ## Enhancements: * Resolver: require NameTuple before use. Pull request #3171 by Olle Jonsson. * Use absolute paths with autoload. Pull request #3100 by David Rodriguez. * Avoid changing $SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH. Pull request #3088 by Ellen Marie Dash. * Use Bundler 2.1.4. Pull request #3072 by Hiroshi SHIBATA. * Add tests to check if Gem.ruby_version works with ruby git master. Pull request #3049 by Yusuke Endoh. ## Bug fixes: * Fix platform comparison check in #contains_requirable_file?. Pull request #3495 by Benoit Daloze. * Improve gzip errors logging. Pull request #3485 by David Rodriguez. * Fix incorrect `gem uninstall --all` message. Pull request #3483 by David Rodriguez. * Fix incorrect bundler version being required. Pull request #3458 by David Rodriguez. * Fix gem install from a gemdeps file with complex dependencies. Pull request #3054 by Luis Sagastume. # 3.1.2 / 2019-12-20 ## Enhancements: * Restore non prompting `gem update --system` behavior. Pull request #3040 by David Rodriguez. * Show only release notes for new code installed. Pull request #3041 by David Rodriguez. * Inform about installed `bundle` executable after `gem update --system`. Pull request #3042 by David Rodriguez. * Use Bundler 2.1.2. Pull request #3043 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. ## Bug fixes: * Require `uri` in source.rb. Pull request #3034 by mihaibuzgau. * Fix `gem update --system --force`. Pull request #3035 by David Rodriguez. * Move `require uri` to source_list. Pull request #3038 by mihaibuzgau. # 3.1.1 / 2019-12-16 ## Bug fixes: * Vendor Bundler 2.1.0 again. The version of Bundler with RubyGems 3.1.0 was Bundler 2.1.0.pre.3. Pull request #3029 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. # 3.1.0 / 2019-12-16 ## Enhancements: * Vendor bundler 2.1. Pull request #3028 by David Rodriguez. * Check for typo squatting sources. Pull request #2999 by Luis Sagastume. * Refactor remote fetcher. Pull request #3017 by David Rodriguez. * Lazily load `open3`. Pull request #3001 by David Rodriguez. * Remove `delegate` dependency. Pull request #3002 by David Rodriguez. * Lazily load `uri`. Pull request #3005 by David Rodriguez. * Lazily load `rubygems/gem_runner` during tests. Pull request #3009 by David Rodriguez. * Use bundler to manage development dependencies. Pull request #3012 by David Rodriguez. ## Bug fixes: * Remove unnecessary executable flags. Pull request #2982 by David Rodriguez. * Remove configuration that contained a typo. Pull request #2989 by David Rodriguez. ## Deprecations: * Deprecate `gem generate_index --modern` and `gem generate_index --no-modern`. Pull request #2992 by David Rodriguez. ## Breaking changes: * Remove 1.8.7 leftovers. Pull request #2972 by David Rodriguez. # 3.1.0.pre3 / 2019-11-11 ## Enhancements: * Fix gem pristine not accounting for user installed gems. Pull request #2914 by Luis Sagastume. * Refactor keyword argument test for Ruby 2.7. Pull request #2947 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Fix errors at frozen Gem::Version. Pull request #2949 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. * Remove taint usage on Ruby 2.7+. Pull request #2951 by Jeremy Evans. * Check Manifest.txt is up to date. Pull request #2953 by David Rodriguez. * Clarify symlink conditionals in tests. Pull request #2962 by David Rodriguez. * Update command line parsing to work under ps. Pull request #2966 by David Rodriguez. * Properly test `Gem::Specifications.stub_for`. Pull request #2970 by David Rodriguez. * Fix Gem::LOADED_SPECS_MUTEX handling for recursive locking. Pull request #2985 by MSP-Greg. # 3.1.0.pre2 / 2019-10-15 ## Enhancements: * Optimize Gem::Package::TarReader#each. Pull request #2941 by Jean byroot Boussier. * Time comparison around date boundary. Pull request #2944 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. # 3.1.0.pre1 / 2019-10-08 ## Enhancements: * Try to use bundler-2.1.0.pre.2. Pull request #2923 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * [Require] Ensure -I beats a default gem. Pull request #1868 by Samuel Giddins. * [Specification] Prefer user-installed gems to default gems. Pull request #2112 by Samuel Giddins. * Multifactor authentication for yank command. Pull request #2514 by Qiu Chaofan. * Autoswitch to exact bundler version if present. Pull request #2583 by David Rodriguez. * Fix Gem::Requirement equality comparison when ~> operator is used. Pull request #2554 by Grey Baker. * Don't use a proxy if https_proxy env var is empty. Pull request #2567 by Luis Sagastume. * Fix typo in specs warning. Pull request #2585 by Rui. * Bin/gem: remove initial empty line. Pull request #2602 by Kenyon Ralph. * Avoid rdoc hook when it's failed to load rdoc library. Pull request #2604 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Refactor get_proxy_from_env logic. Pull request #2611 by Luis Sagastume. * Allow to easily bisect flaky failures. Pull request #2626 by David Rodriguez. * Fix `--ignore-dependencies` flag not installing platform specific gems. Pull request #2631 by David Rodriguez. * Make `gem install --explain` list platforms. Pull request #2634 by David Rodriguez. * Make `gem update --explain` list platforms. Pull request #2635 by David Rodriguez. * Refactoring install and update explanations. Pull request #2643 by David Rodriguez. * Restore transitiveness of version comparison. Pull request #2651 by David Rodriguez. * Undo requirement sorting. Pull request #2652 by David Rodriguez. * Update dummy version of Bundler for #2581. Pull request #2584 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Ignore to handle the different platform. Pull request #2672 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Make Gem::Specification.default_stubs to public methods. Pull request #2675 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Sort files and test_files in specifications. Pull request #2524 by Christopher Baines. * Fix comment of Gem::Specification#required_ruby_version=. Pull request #2732 by Alex Junger. * Config_file.rb - update path separator in ENV['GEMRC'] logic. Pull request #2735 by MSP-Greg. * Fix `ruby setup.rb` warnings. Pull request #2737 by David Rodriguez. * Don't use regex delimiters when searching for a dependency. Pull request #2738 by Luis Sagastume. * Refactor query command. Pull request #2739 by Luis Sagastume. * Don't remove default spec files from mapping after require. Pull request #2741 by David Rodriguez. * Cleanup base test case. Pull request #2742 by David Rodriguez. * Simplify Specification#gems_dir. Pull request #2745 by David Rodriguez. * Fix test warning. Pull request #2746 by David Rodriguez. * Extract an `add_to_load_path` method. Pull request #2749 by David Rodriguez. * Fix setup command if format_executable is true by default. Pull request #2766 by Jeremy Evans. * Update the certificate files to make the test pass on Debian 10. Pull request #2777 by Yusuke Endoh. * Write to the correct config file(.gemrc). Pull request #2779 by Luis Sagastume. * Fix for large values in UID/GID fields in tar archives. Pull request #2780 by Alexey Shein. * Lazy require stringio. Pull request #2781 by Luis Sagastume. * Make Gem::Specification#ruby_code handle OpenSSL::PKey::RSA objects. Pull request #2782 by Luis Sagastume. * Fix setup command test for bundler with program_suffix. Pull request #2783 by Sorah Fukumori. * Make sure `rake package` works. Pull request #2787 by David Rodriguez. * Synchronize access to the Gem::Specification::LOAD_CACHE Hash. Pull request #2789 by Benoit Daloze. * Task to install rubygems to local system. Pull request #2795 by David Rodriguez. * Add an attr_reader to Gem::Installer for the package instance variable. Pull request #2796 by Daniel Berger. * Switch CI script to bash. Pull request #2799 by David Rodriguez. * Move gemcutter utilities code to Gem::Command. Pull request #2803 by Luis Sagastume. * Add raw spec method to gem package. Pull request #2806 by Luis Sagastume. * Improve `rake package` test error message. Pull request #2815 by David Rodriguez. * Resolve `@@project_dir` from test file paths. Pull request #2843 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. * Remove dead code in Gem::Validator. Pull request #2537 by Ellen Marie Dash. * The date might have advanced since TODAY has been set. Pull request #2938 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. * Remove old ci configurations. Pull request #2917 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Add Gem::Dependency identity. Pull request #2936 by Luis Sagastume. * Filter dependency type and name strictly. Pull request #2930 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Always pass an encoding option to Zlib::GzipReader.wrap. Pull request #2933 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. * Introduce default prerelease requirement. Pull request #2925 by David Rodriguez. * Detect libc version, closes #2918. Pull request #2922 by fauno. * Use IAM role to extract security-credentials for EC2 instance. Pull request #2894 by Alexander Pakulov. * Improve `gem uninstall --all`. Pull request #2893 by David Rodriguez. * Use `RbConfig::CONFIG['rubylibprefix']`. Pull request #2889 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. * Build the first gemspec we found if no arguments are passed to gem build. Pull request #2887 by Luis Sagastume. * $LOAD_PATH elements should be real paths. Pull request #2885 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. * Use the standard RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION instead of JRUBY_VERSION. Pull request #2864 by Benoit Daloze. * Cleanup after testing `rake package`. Pull request #2862 by David Rodriguez. * Cherry-pick shushing deprecation warnings from ruby-core. Pull request #2861 by David Rodriguez. * Ext/builder.rb cleanup. Pull request #2849 by Luis Sagastume. * Fix @ran_rake assignment in builder.rb. Pull request #2850 by Luis Sagastume. * Remove test suite warnings. Pull request #2845 by Luis Sagastume. * Replace domain parameter with a parameter to suppress suggestions. Pull request #2846 by Luis Sagastume. * Move default specifications dir definition out of BasicSpecification. Pull request #2841 by Vit Ondruch. * There is no usage of @orig_env_* variables in test suite. Pull request #2838 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Use File#open instead of Kernel#open in stub_specification.rb. Pull request #2834 by Luis Sagastume. * Simplify #to_ruby code. Pull request #2825 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. * Add a gem attr to the Gem::Package class. Pull request #2828 by Daniel Berger. * Remove useless TODO comment. Pull request #2818 by Luis Sagastume. ## Bug fixes: * Fix typos in History.txt. Pull request #2565 by Igor Zubkov. * Remove unused empty sources array. Pull request #2598 by Aaron Patterson. * Fix windows specific executables generated by `gem install`. Pull request #2628 by David Rodriguez. * Gem::Specification#to_ruby needs OpenSSL. Pull request #2937 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. * Set SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH env var if not provided. Pull request #2882 by Ellen Marie Dash. * Installer.rb - fix #windows_stub_script. Pull request #2876 by MSP-Greg. * Fixed deprecation message. Pull request #2867 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. * Fix requiring default gems to consider prereleases. Pull request #2728 by David Rodriguez. * Forbid `find_spec_for_exe` without an `exec_name`. Pull request #2706 by David Rodriguez. * Do not prompt for passphrase when key can be loaded without it. Pull request #2710 by Luis Sagastume. * Add missing wrapper. Pull request #2690 by David Rodriguez. * Remove long ago deprecated methods. Pull request #2704 by David Rodriguez. * Renamed duplicate test. Pull request #2678 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. * File.exists? is deprecated. Pull request #2855 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Fixed to warn with shadowing outer local variable. Pull request #2856 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Fix explain with ignore-dependencies. Pull request #2647 by David Rodriguez. * Fix default gem executable installation when folder is not `bin/`. Pull request #2649 by David Rodriguez. * Fix cryptic error on local and ignore-dependencies combination. Pull request #2650 by David Rodriguez. ## Deprecations: * Make deprecate Gem::RubyGemsVersion and Gem::ConfigMap. Pull request #2857 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Deprecate Gem::RemoteFetcher#fetch_size. Pull request #2833 by Luis Sagastume. * Explicitly deprecate `rubyforge_project`. Pull request #2798 by David Rodriguez. * Deprecate unused Gem::Installer#unpack method. Pull request #2715 by Vit Ondruch. * Deprecate a few unused methods. Pull request #2674 by David Rodriguez. * Add deprecation warnings for cli options. Pull request #2607 by Luis Sagastume. ## Breaking changes: * Suppress keywords warning. Pull request #2934 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. * Suppress Ruby 2.7's real kwargs warning. Pull request #2912 by Koichi ITO. * Fix Kernel#warn override. Pull request #2911 by Jeremy Evans. * Remove conflict.rb code that was supposed to be removed in Rubygems 3. Pull request #2802 by Luis Sagastume. * Compatibility cleanups. Pull request #2754 by David Rodriguez. * Remove `others_possible` activation request param. Pull request #2747 by David Rodriguez. * Remove dependency installer deprecated code. Pull request #2740 by Luis Sagastume. * Removed guard condition with USE_BUNDLER_FOR_GEMDEPS. Pull request #2716 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Skip deprecation warning during specs. Pull request #2718 by David Rodriguez. * Remove QuickLoader reference. Pull request #2719 by David Rodriguez. * Removed circular require. Pull request #2679 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. * Removed needless environmental variable for Travis CI. Pull request #2685 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Removing yaml require. Pull request #2538 by Luciano Sousa. # 3.0.8 / 2020-02-19 ## Bug fixes: * Gem::Specification#to_ruby needs OpenSSL. Pull request #2937 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. # 3.0.7 / 2020-02-18 ## Bug fixes: * Fix underscore version selection for bundler #2908 by David Rodriguez. * Add missing wrapper. Pull request #2690 by David Rodriguez. * Make Gem::Specification#ruby_code handle OpenSSL::PKey::RSA objects. Pull request #2782 by Luis Sagastume. * Installer.rb - fix #windows_stub_script. Pull request #2876 by MSP-Greg. * Use IAM role to extract security-credentials for EC2 instance. Pull request #2894 by Alexander Pakulov. # 3.0.6 / 2019-08-17 ## Bug fixes: * Revert #2813. It broke the compatibility with 3.0.x versions. # 3.0.5 / 2019-08-16 ## Enhancements: * Use env var to configure api key on push. Pull request #2559 by Luis Sagastume. * Unswallow uninstall error. Pull request #2707 by David Rodriguez. * Expose windows path normalization utility. Pull request #2767 by David Rodriguez. * Clean which command. Pull request #2801 by Luis Sagastume. * Upgrading S3 source signature to AWS SigV4. Pull request #2807 by Alexander Pakulov. * Remove misleading comment, no reason to move to Gem::Util. Pull request #2811 by Luis Sagastume. * Drop support for 'gem env packageversion'. Pull request #2813 by Luis Sagastume. * Take into account just git tracked files in update_manifest rake task. Pull request #2816 by Luis Sagastume. * Remove TODO comment, there's no Gem::Dirs constant. Pull request #2819 by Luis Sagastume. * Remove unused 'raise' from test_case. Pull request #2820 by Luis Sagastume. * Move TODO comment to an information comment. Pull request #2821 by Luis Sagastume. * Use File#open instead of Kernel#open in stub_specification.rb. Pull request #2834 by Luis Sagastume. * Make error code a gemcutter_utilities a constant. Pull request #2844 by Luis Sagastume. * Remove FIXME comment related to PathSupport. Pull request #2854 by Luis Sagastume. * Use gsub with Hash. Pull request #2860 by Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA. * Use the standard RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION instead of JRUBY_VERSION. Pull request #2864 by Benoit Daloze. * Do not mutate uri.query during s3 signature creation. Pull request #2874 by Alexander Pakulov. * Fixup #2844. Pull request #2878 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. ## Bug fixes: * Fix intermittent test error on Appveyor & Travis. Pull request #2568 by MSP-Greg. * Extend timeout on assert_self_install_permissions. Pull request #2605 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Better folder assertions. Pull request #2644 by David Rodriguez. * Fix default gem executable installation when folder is not `bin/`. Pull request #2649 by David Rodriguez. * Fix gem uninstall behavior. Pull request #2663 by Luis Sagastume. * Fix for large values in UID/GID fields in tar archives. Pull request #2780 by Alexey Shein. * Fixed task order for release. Pull request #2792 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Ignore GEMRC variable for test suite. Pull request #2837 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. # 3.0.4 / 2019-06-14 ## Enhancements: * Add support for TruffleRuby #2612 by Benoit Daloze * Serve a more descriptive error when --no-ri or --no-rdoc are used #2572 by Grey Baker * Improve test compatibility with CMake 2.8. Pull request #2590 by Vit Ondruch. * Restore gem build behavior and introduce the "-C" flag to gem build. Pull request #2596 by Luis Sagastume. * Enabled block call with util_set_arch. Pull request #2603 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Avoid rdoc hook when it's failed to load rdoc library. Pull request #2604 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Drop tests for legacy RDoc. Pull request #2608 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. * Update TODO comment. Pull request #2658 by Luis Sagastume. * Skip malicious extension test with mswin platform. Pull request #2670 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Check deprecated methods on release. Pull request #2673 by David Rodriguez. * Add steps to run bundler tests. Pull request #2680 by Aditya Prakash. * Skip temporary "No such host is known" error. Pull request #2684 by Takashi Kokubun. * Replaced aws-sdk-s3 instead of s3cmd. Pull request #2688 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Allow uninstall from symlinked GEM_HOME. Pull request #2720 by David Rodriguez. * Use current checkout in CI to uninstall RVM related gems. Pull request #2729 by David Rodriguez. * Update Contributor Covenant v1.4.1. Pull request #2751 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Added supported versions of Ruby. Pull request #2756 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Fix shadowing outer local variable warning. Pull request #2763 by Luis Sagastume. * Update the certificate files to make the test pass on Debian 10. Pull request #2777 by Yusuke Endoh. * Backport ruby core changes. Pull request #2778 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. ## Bug fixes: * Test_gem.rb - intermittent failure fix. Pull request #2613 by MSP-Greg. * Fix sporadic CI failures. Pull request #2617 by David Rodriguez. * Fix flaky bundler version finder tests. Pull request #2624 by David Rodriguez. * Fix gem indexer tests leaking utility gems. Pull request #2625 by David Rodriguez. * Clean up default spec dir too. Pull request #2639 by David Rodriguez. * Fix 2.6.1 build against vendored bundler. Pull request #2645 by David Rodriguez. * Fix comment typo. Pull request #2664 by Luis Sagastume. * Fix comment of Gem::Specification#required_ruby_version=. Pull request #2732 by Alex Junger. * Fix TODOs. Pull request #2748 by David Rodriguez. # 3.0.3 / 2019-03-05 Security fixes: * CVE-2019-8320: Delete directory using symlink when decompressing tar * CVE-2019-8321: Escape sequence injection vulnerability in `verbose` * CVE-2019-8322: Escape sequence injection vulnerability in `gem owner` * CVE-2019-8323: Escape sequence injection vulnerability in API response handling * CVE-2019-8324: Installing a malicious gem may lead to arbitrary code execution * CVE-2019-8325: Escape sequence injection vulnerability in errors # 3.0.2 / 2019-01-01 ## Enhancements: * Use Bundler-1.17.3. Pull request #2556 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Fix document flag description. Pull request #2555 by Luis Sagastume. ## Bug fixes: * Fix tests when ruby --program-suffix is used without rubygems --format-executable. Pull request #2549 by Jeremy Evans. * Fix Gem::Requirement equality comparison when ~> operator is used. Pull request #2554 by Grey Baker. * Unset SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in the test cases. Pull request #2558 by Sorah Fukumori. * Restore SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH. Pull request #2560 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. # 3.0.1 / 2018-12-23 ## Bug fixes: * Ensure globbed files paths are expanded. Pull request #2536 by Tony Ta. * Dup the Dir.home string before passing it on. Pull request #2545 by Charles Oliver Nutter. * Added permissions to installed files for non-owners. Pull request #2546 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Restore release task without hoe. Pull request #2547 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. # 3.0.0 / 2018-12-19 ## Enhancements: * S3 source. Pull request #1690 by Aditya Prakash. * Download gems with threads. Pull request #1898 by Andre Arko. * Update to SPDX license list 3.0. Pull request #2152 by Mike Linksvayer. * [GSoC] Multi-factor feature for RubyGems. Pull request #2369 by Qiu Chaofan. * Use bundler 1.17.2. Pull request #2521 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Don't treat inaccessible working directories as build failures. Pull request #1135 by Pete. * Remove useless directory parameter from builders .build methods. [rebased]. Pull request #1433 by Kurtis Rainbolt-Greene. * Skipping more than one gem in pristine. Pull request #1592 by Henne Vogelsang. * Add info command to print information about an installed gem. Pull request #2023 by Colby Swandale. * Add --[no-]check-development option to cleanup command. Pull request #2061 by Lin Jen-Shin (godfat). * Show which gem referenced a missing gem. Pull request #2067 by Artem Khramov. * Prevent to delete to "bundler-" prefix gem like bundler-audit. Pull request #2086 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Fix rake install_test_deps once the rake clean_env does not exist. Pull request #2090 by Lucas Arantes. * Workaround common options mutation in Gem::Command test. Pull request #2098 by Thibault Jouan. * Extract a SpecificationPolicy validation class. Pull request #2101 by Olle Jonsson. * Handle environment that does not have `flock` system call. Pull request #2107 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Handle the explain option in gem update. Pull request #2110 by Colby Swandale. * Add Gem.operating_system_defaults to allow packagers to override defaults. Pull request #2116 by Vit Ondruch. * Update for compatibility with new minitest. Pull request #2118 by MSP-Greg. * Make Windows bin stubs portable. Pull request #2119 by MSP-Greg. * Avoid to warnings about gemspec loadings in rubygems tests. Pull request #2125 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Set whether bundler is used for gemdeps with an environmental variable. Pull request #2126 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Titleize "GETTING HELP" in readme. Pull request #2136 by Colby Swandale. * Improve the error message given when using --version with multiple gems in the install command. Pull request #2137 by Colby Swandale. * Use `` instead of `open`. Pull request #2142 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Gem::Util.traverse_parents should not crash on permissions error. Pull request #2147 by Robert Ulejczyk. * [Installer] Avoid a #mkdir race condition. Pull request #2148 by Samuel Giddins. * Allow writing gemspecs from gem unpack to location specified by target option. Pull request #2150 by Colby Swandale. * Raise errors in `gem uninstall` when a file in a gem could not be removed . Pull request #2154 by Colby Swandale. * Remove PID from gem index directory. Pull request #2155 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Nil guard on `Gem::Specification`. Pull request #2164 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Skip broken test with macOS platform. Pull request #2167 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Support option for `--destdir` with upgrade installer. Pull request #2169 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * To use constant instead of hard-coded version. Pull request #2171 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Add Rake task to install dev dependencies. Pull request #2173 by Ellen Marie Dash. * Add new sections to the README and explanation of what RubyGems is. Pull request #2174 by Colby Swandale. * Prefer to use `Numeric#zero?` instead of `== 0`. Pull request #2176 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Ignore performance test of version regexp pattern. Pull request #2179 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Ignore .DS_Store files in the update_manifest task. Pull request #2199 by Colby Swandale. * Allow building gems without having to be in the gem folder . Pull request #2204 by Colby Swandale. * Added coverage ability used by simplecov. Pull request #2207 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Improve invalid proxy error message. Pull request #2217 by Luis Sagastume. * Simplify home directory detection and platform condition. Pull request #2218 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Permission options. Pull request #2219 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. * Improve gemspec and package task. Pull request #2220 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Prefer to use util_spec in `Gem::TestCase`. Pull request #2227 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * [Requirement] Treat requirements with == versions as equal. Pull request #2230 by Samuel Giddins. * Add a note for the non-semantically versioned case. Pull request #2242 by David Rodriguez. * Keep feature names loaded in the block. Pull request #2261 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. * Tweak warning recommendation. Pull request #2266 by David Rodriguez. * Show git path in gem env. Pull request #2268 by Luis Sagastume. * Add `--env-shebang` flag to setup command. Pull request #2271 by James Myers. * Support SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to make gem spec reproducible. Pull request #2278 by Levente Polyak. * Chdir back to original directory when building an extension fails. Pull request #2282 by Samuel Giddins. * [Rakefile] Add a default task that runs the tests. Pull request #2283 by Samuel Giddins. * Support SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to make gem tar reproducible. Pull request #2289 by Levente Polyak. * Reset hooks in test cases. Pull request #2297 by Samuel Giddins. * Minor typo: nokogiri. Pull request #2298 by Darshan Baid. * Ignore vendored molinillo from code coverage. Pull request #2302 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Support IO.copy_stream. Pull request #2303 by okkez. * Prepare beta release. Pull request #2304 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Add error message when trying to open a default gem. Pull request #2307 by Luis Sagastume. * Add alias command 'i' for 'install' command. Pull request #2308 by ota42y. * Cleanup rdoc task in Rakefile. Pull request #2318 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Add testcase to test_gem_text.rb. Pull request #2329 by Oliver. * Gem build strict option. Pull request #2332 by David Rodriguez. * Make spec reset more informative. Pull request #2333 by Luis Sagastume. * [Rakefile] Set bundler build metadata when doing a release. Pull request #2335 by Samuel Giddins. * Speed up globbing relative to given directories. Pull request #2336 by Samuel Giddins. * Remove semver gem build warning. Pull request #2351 by David Rodriguez. * Expand symlinks in gem path. Pull request #2352 by Benoit Daloze. * Normalize comment indentations. Pull request #2353 by David Rodriguez. * Add bindir flag to pristine. Pull request #2361 by Luis Sagastume. * Add --user-install behaviour to cleanup command. Pull request #2362 by Luis Sagastume. * Allow build options to be passed to Rake. Pull request #2382 by Alyssa Ross. * Add --re-sign flag to cert command. Pull request #2391 by Luis Sagastume. * Fix "interpreted as grouped expression" warning. Pull request #2399 by Colby Swandale. * [Gem::Ext::Builder] Comments to aid future refactoring. Pull request #2405 by Ellen Marie Dash. * Move CONTRIBUTING.rdoc and POLICIES.rdoc documents to markdown. Pull request #2412 by Colby Swandale. * Improve certificate expiration defaults. Pull request #2420 by Luis Sagastume. * Freeze all possible constants. Pull request #2422 by Colby Swandale. * Fix bundler rubygems binstub not properly looking for bundler. Pull request #2426 by David Rodriguez. * Make sure rubygems never leaks to another installation. Pull request #2427 by David Rodriguez. * Update Pull request #2428 by Marc-Andre Lafortune. * Restrict special chars from prefixing new gem names. Pull request #2432 by Luis Sagastume. * This removes support for dynamic API backend lookup via DNS SRV records. Pull request #2433 by Arlandis Word. * Fix link to doc. Pull request #2434 by Arlandis Word. * Support Keyword args with Psych. Pull request #2439 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Bug/kernel#warn uplevel. Pull request #2442 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. * Improve certificate error message. Pull request #2454 by Luis Sagastume. * Update gem open command help text. Pull request #2458 by Aditya Prakash. * Uninstall with versions. Pull request #2466 by David Rodriguez. * Add output option to build command. Pull request #2501 by Colby Swandale. * Move rubocop into a separate stage in travis ci. Pull request #2510 by Colby Swandale. * Ignore warnings with test_gem_specification.rb. Pull request #2523 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Support the environment without OpenSSL. Pull request #2528 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. ## Bug fixes: * Fix undefined method error when printing alert. Pull request #1884 by Robert Ross. * Frozen string fix - lib/rubygems/bundler_version_finder.rb. Pull request #2115 by MSP-Greg. * Fixed typos. Pull request #2143 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Fix regression of destdir on Windows platform. Pull request #2178 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Fixed no assignment variables about default gems installation. Pull request #2181 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Fix spelling errors in the README. Pull request #2187 by Colby Swandale. * Missing comma creates ambiguous meaning. Pull request #2190 by Clifford Heath. * Fix getting started instructions. Pull request #2198 by Luis Sagastume. * Fix rubygems dev env. Pull request #2201 by Luis Sagastume. * Fix #1470: generate documentation when --install-dir is present. Pull request #2229 by Elias Hernandis. * Fix activation when multiple platforms installed. Pull request #2339 by MSP-Greg. * Fix required_ruby_version with prereleases and improve error message. Pull request #2344 by David Rodriguez. * Update tests for 'newer' Windows builds. Pull request #2348 by MSP-Greg. * Fix broken rubocop task by upgrading to 0.58.1. Pull request #2356 by David Rodriguez. * Gem::Version should handle nil like it used to before. Pull request #2363 by Luis Sagastume. * Avoid need of C++ compiler to pass the test suite. Pull request #2367 by Vit Ondruch. * Fix auto resign expired certificate. Pull request #2380 by Luis Sagastume. * Skip permissions-dependent test when root. Pull request #2386 by Alyssa Ross. * Fix test that depended on /usr/bin being in PATH. Pull request #2387 by Alyssa Ross. * Fixed test fail with mswin environment. Pull request #2390 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Fix broken builds using the correct rubocop version. Pull request #2396 by Luis Sagastume. * Fix extension builder failure when verbose. Pull request #2457 by Sorah Fukumori. * Fix test warnings. Pull request #2472 by MSP-Greg. * The test suite of bundler is not present ruby description. Pull request #2484 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Fix crash on certain gemspecs. Pull request #2506 by David Rodriguez. * Fixed test fails with the newer version of OpenSSL. Pull request #2507 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Fix broken symlink that points to ../*. Pull request #2516 by Akira Matsuda. * Fix remote fetcher tests. Pull request #2520 by Luis Sagastume. * Fix tests when --program-suffix and similar ruby configure options are used. Pull request #2529 by Jeremy Evans. ## Breaking changes: * IO.binread is not provided at Ruby 1.8. Pull request #2093 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Ignored to publish rdoc documentation of rubygems for Pull request #2105 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Support pre-release RubyGems. Pull request #2128 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Relax minitest version for 5. Pull request #2131 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Remove zentest from dev dependency. Pull request #2132 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Remove hoe for test suite. Pull request #2160 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Cleanup deprecated tasks. Pull request #2162 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Drop to support Ruby < 2.2. Pull request #2182 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Cleanup deprecated style. Pull request #2193 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Remove CVEs from the rubygems repo. Pull request #2195 by Colby Swandale. * Removed needless condition for old version of ruby. Pull request #2206 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Removed deprecated methods over the limit day. Pull request #2216 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Remove syck support. Pull request #2222 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Removed needless condition for Encoding. Pull request #2223 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Removed needless condition for String#force_encoding. Pull request #2225 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Removed needless OpenSSL patch for Ruby 1.8. Pull request #2243 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Removed compatibility code for Ruby 1.9.2. Pull request #2244 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Removed needless version condition for the old ruby. Pull request #2252 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Remove needless define/respond_to condition. Pull request #2255 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Use File.realpath directly in Gem::Package. Pull request #2284 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Removed needless condition for old versions of Ruby. Pull request #2286 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Remove the --rdoc and --ri options from install/update. Pull request #2354 by Colby Swandale. * Move authors assigner to required attributes section of Gem::Specification. Pull request #2406 by Grey Baker. * Remove rubyforge_page functionality. Pull request #2436 by Nick Schwaderer. * Drop ruby 1.8 support and use IO.popen. Pull request #2441 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. * Drop ruby 2.2 support. Pull request #2487 by David Rodriguez. * Remove some old compatibility code. Pull request #2488 by David Rodriguez. * Remove .document from src. Pull request #2489 by Colby Swandale. * Remove old version support. Pull request #2493 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. * [BudlerVersionFinder] set .filter! and .compatible? to match only on major versions. Pull request #2515 by Colby Swandale. # 2.7.10 / 2019-06-14 ## Enhancements: * Fix bundler rubygems binstub not properly looking for bundler. Pull request #2426 by David Rodriguez. * [BudlerVersionFinder] set .filter! and .compatible? to match only on major versions. Pull request #2515 by Colby Swandale. + Update for compatibility with new minitest. Pull request #2118 by MSP-Greg. # 2.7.9 / 2019-03-05 Security fixes: * CVE-2019-8320: Delete directory using symlink when decompressing tar * CVE-2019-8321: Escape sequence injection vulnerability in `verbose` * CVE-2019-8322: Escape sequence injection vulnerability in `gem owner` * CVE-2019-8323: Escape sequence injection vulnerability in API response handling * CVE-2019-8324: Installing a malicious gem may lead to arbitrary code execution * CVE-2019-8325: Escape sequence injection vulnerability in errors # 2.7.8 / 2018-11-02 ## Enhancements: * [Requirement] Treat requirements with == versions as equal. Pull request #2230 by Samuel Giddins. * Fix exec_name documentation. Pull request #2239 by Luis Sagastume. * [TarHeader] Extract the empty header into a constant. Pull request #2247 by Samuel Giddins. * Simplify the code that lets us call the original, non-monkeypatched Kernel#require. Pull request #2267 by Leon Miller-Out. * Add install alias documentation. Pull request #2320 by ota42y. * [Rakefile] Set bundler build metadata when doing a release. Pull request #2335 by Samuel Giddins. * Backport commits from ruby core . Pull request #2347 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Sign in to the correct host before push. Pull request #2366 by Luis Sagastume. * Bump bundler-1.16.4. Pull request #2381 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Improve bindir flag description. Pull request #2383 by Luis Sagastume. * Update bundler-1.16.6. Pull request #2423 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. ## Bug fixes: * Fix #1470: generate documentation when --install-dir is present. Pull request #2229 by Elias Hernandis. * Fix no proxy checking. Pull request #2249 by Luis Sagastume. * Validate SPDX license exceptions. Pull request #2257 by Mikit. * Retry api specification spec with original platform. Pull request #2275 by Luis Sagastume. * Fix approximate recommendation with prereleases. Pull request #2345 by David Rodriguez. * Gem::Version should handle nil like it used to before. Pull request #2363 by Luis Sagastume. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RubyGems installed the following executables: D:/Ruby25-x64/bin/gem D:/Ruby25-x64/bin/bundle D:/Ruby25-x64/bin/bundler Ruby Interactive (ri) documentation was installed. ri is kind of like man pages for Ruby libraries. You may access it like this: ri Classname ri Classname.class_method ri Classname#instance_method If you do not wish to install this documentation in the future, use the --no-document flag, or set it as the default in your ~/.gemrc file. See 'gem help env' for details. Done installing documentation for rubygems-update after 142 seconds Parsing documentation for rubygems-update-3.2.20 Done installing documentation for rubygems-update after 0 seconds Installing RubyGems 3.2.20 RubyGems system software updated ```

$ cd
$ bundle update

click for details ``` Warning: the running version of Bundler (1.17.1) is older than the version thatcreated the lockfile (1.17.3). We suggest you upgrade to the latest version of Bundler by running `gem install bundler`. Fetching gem metadata from Fetching gem metadata from Resolving dependencies....... Fetching concurrent-ruby 1.1.9 (was 1.1.6) Installing concurrent-ruby 1.1.9 (was 1.1.6) Using i18n 0.9.5 Fetching minitest 5.14.4 (was 5.14.1) Installing minitest 5.14.4 (was 5.14.1) Using thread_safe 0.3.6 Fetching tzinfo 1.2.9 (was 1.2.7) Installing tzinfo 1.2.9 (was 1.2.7) Fetching zeitwerk 2.4.2 (was 2.4.0) Installing zeitwerk 2.4.2 (was 2.4.0) Fetching activesupport 6.0.4 (was Installing activesupport 6.0.4 (was Fetching public_suffix 4.0.6 (was 3.1.1) Installing public_suffix 4.0.6 (was 3.1.1) Using addressable 2.7.0 Using bundler 1.17.1 Using coffee-script-source 1.11.1 Fetching execjs 2.8.1 (was 2.7.0) Installing execjs 2.8.1 (was 2.7.0) Using coffee-script 2.4.1 Using colorator 1.1.0 Fetching ruby-enum 0.9.0 (was 0.8.0) Installing ruby-enum 0.9.0 (was 0.8.0) Using commonmarker 0.17.13 Using unf_ext (x64-mingw32) Using unf 0.1.4 Fetching simpleidn 0.2.1 (was 0.1.1) Installing simpleidn 0.2.1 (was 0.1.1) Fetching dnsruby 1.61.6 (was 1.61.4) Installing dnsruby 1.61.6 (was 1.61.4) Using eventmachine 1.2.7 (x64-mingw32) Using http_parser.rb 0.6.0 Fetching em-websocket 0.5.2 (was 0.5.1) Installing em-websocket 0.5.2 (was 0.5.1) Fetching ffi 1.15.3 (x64-mingw32) (was 1.13.1) Installing ffi 1.15.3 (x64-mingw32) (was 1.13.1) Fetching ethon 0.14.0 (was 0.12.0) Installing ethon 0.14.0 (was 0.12.0) Fetching faraday-em_http 1.0.0 Installing faraday-em_http 1.0.0 Fetching faraday-em_synchrony 1.0.0 Installing faraday-em_synchrony 1.0.0 Fetching faraday-excon 1.1.0 Installing faraday-excon 1.1.0 Fetching faraday-net_http 1.0.1 Installing faraday-net_http 1.0.1 Fetching faraday-net_http_persistent 1.1.0 Installing faraday-net_http_persistent 1.1.0 Using multipart-post 2.1.1 Fetching ruby2_keywords 0.0.4 Installing ruby2_keywords 0.0.4 Fetching faraday 1.4.2 (was 1.0.1) Installing faraday 1.4.2 (was 1.0.1) Using forwardable-extended 2.6.0 Using gemoji 3.0.1 Using sawyer 0.8.2 Fetching octokit 4.21.0 (was 4.18.0) Installing octokit 4.21.0 (was 4.18.0) Using typhoeus 1.4.0 Fetching github-pages-health-check 1.17.2 (was 1.16.1) Installing github-pages-health-check 1.17.2 (was 1.16.1) Fetching rb-fsevent 0.11.0 (was 0.10.4) Installing rb-fsevent 0.11.0 (was 0.10.4) Using rb-inotify 0.10.1 Using sass-listen 4.0.0 Using sass 3.7.4 Using jekyll-sass-converter 1.5.2 Fetching listen 3.5.1 (was 3.2.1) Installing listen 3.5.1 (was 3.2.1) Using jekyll-watch 2.2.1 Fetching rexml 3.2.5 Installing rexml 3.2.5 Fetching kramdown 2.3.1 (was 2.3.0) Installing kramdown 2.3.1 (was 2.3.0) Using liquid 4.0.3 Using mercenary 0.3.6 Using pathutil 0.16.2 Fetching rouge 3.26.0 (was 3.19.0) Installing rouge 3.26.0 (was 3.19.0) Using safe_yaml 1.0.5 Using jekyll 3.9.0 Using jekyll-avatar 0.7.0 Using jekyll-coffeescript 1.1.1 Using jekyll-commonmark 1.3.1 Using jekyll-commonmark-ghpages 0.1.6 Using jekyll-default-layout 0.1.4 Fetching jekyll-feed 0.15.1 (was 0.13.0) Installing jekyll-feed 0.15.1 (was 0.13.0) Using jekyll-gist 1.5.0 Using jekyll-github-metadata 2.13.0 Fetching racc 1.5.2 Installing racc 1.5.2 with native extensions Fetching nokogiri 1.11.7 (x64-mingw32) (was 1.11.4) Installing nokogiri 1.11.7 (x64-mingw32) (was 1.11.4) Fetching html-pipeline 2.14.0 (was 2.13.0) Installing html-pipeline 2.14.0 (was 2.13.0) Fetching jekyll-mentions 1.6.0 (was 1.5.1) Installing jekyll-mentions 1.6.0 (was 1.5.1) Using jekyll-optional-front-matter 0.3.2 Using jekyll-paginate 1.1.0 Using jekyll-readme-index 0.3.0 Fetching jekyll-redirect-from 0.16.0 (was 0.15.0) Installing jekyll-redirect-from 0.16.0 (was 0.15.0) Using jekyll-relative-links 0.6.1 Using rubyzip 2.3.0 Fetching jekyll-remote-theme 0.4.3 (was 0.4.1) Installing jekyll-remote-theme 0.4.3 (was 0.4.1) Fetching jekyll-seo-tag 2.7.1 (was 2.6.1) Installing jekyll-seo-tag 2.7.1 (was 2.6.1) Using jekyll-sitemap 1.4.0 Using jekyll-swiss 1.0.0 Using jekyll-theme-architect 0.1.1 Using jekyll-theme-cayman 0.1.1 Using jekyll-theme-dinky 0.1.1 Fetching jekyll-theme-hacker 0.1.2 (was 0.1.1) Installing jekyll-theme-hacker 0.1.2 (was 0.1.1) Using jekyll-theme-leap-day 0.1.1 Using jekyll-theme-merlot 0.1.1 Using jekyll-theme-midnight 0.1.1 Using jekyll-theme-minimal 0.1.1 Using jekyll-theme-modernist 0.1.1 Using jekyll-theme-primer 0.5.4 Using jekyll-theme-slate 0.1.1 Using jekyll-theme-tactile 0.1.1 Using jekyll-theme-time-machine 0.1.1 Using jekyll-titles-from-headings 0.5.3 Fetching jemoji 0.12.0 (was 0.11.1) Installing jemoji 0.12.0 (was 0.11.1) Using kramdown-parser-gfm 1.1.0 Using minima 2.5.1 Using unicode-display_width 1.7.0 Using terminal-table 1.8.0 Fetching github-pages 215 (was 207) Installing github-pages 215 (was 207) Using wdm 0.1.1 Bundle updated! Post-install message from dnsruby: Installing dnsruby... For issues and source code: For general discussion (please tell us how you use dnsruby):!forum/dnsruby Post-install message from html-pipeline: ------------------------------------------------- Thank you for installing html-pipeline! You must bundle Filter gem dependencies. See html-pipeline for more details. ------------------------------------------------- ```
$ gem install bundler
Successfully installed bundler-2.2.20
Parsing documentation for bundler-2.2.20
Installing ri documentation for bundler-2.2.20
Done installing documentation for bundler after 4 seconds
1 gem installed
$ bundle exec jekyll serve
Configuration file: E:/my/GitHubDesktop/
            Source: E:/my/GitHubDesktop/
       Destination: E:/my/GitHubDesktop/
 Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental
Error reading file E:/my/GitHubDesktop/ invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
  Liquid Exception: The GitHub API credentials you provided aren't valid. in /_layouts/default.html
jekyll 3.9.0 | Error:  The GitHub API credentials you provided aren't valid.

To fix “invalid byte sequence in UTF-8” errors using vim

find them using command keystrokes: 8g8

July 13, 2021 (on Aurora)

$ gem update –system

click for details ``` Updating rubygems-update Successfully installed rubygems-update-3.2.23 Parsing documentation for rubygems-update-3.2.23 Installing ri documentation for rubygems-update-3.2.23 Installing darkfish documentation for rubygems-update-3.2.23 Successfully built RubyGem Name: bundler Version: 2.2.23 File: bundler-2.2.23.gem Bundler 2.2.23 installed RubyGems 3.2.23 installed Regenerating binstubs Regenerating plugins Parsing documentation for rubygems-3.2.23 Installing ri documentation for rubygems-3.2.23 # 3.2.23 / 2021-07-09 ## Enhancements: * Rewind IO source to allow working with contents in memory. Pull request #4729 by drcapulet # 3.2.22 / 2021-07-06 ## Enhancements: * Allow setting `--otp` via `GEM_HOST_OTP_CODE`. Pull request #4697 by CGA1123 * Fixes for the edge case when openssl library is missing. Pull request #4695 by rhenium # 3.2.21 / 2021-06-23 ## Enhancements: * Fix typo in OpenSSL detection. Pull request #4679 by osyoyu * Add the most recent licenses from Pull request #4662 by nobu * Simplify setup.rb code to allow installing rubygems from source on truffleruby 21.0 and 21.1. Pull request #4624 by deivid-rodriguez ## Bug fixes: * Create credentials folder when setting API keys if not there yet. Pull request #4665 by deivid-rodriguez ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RubyGems installed the following executables: D:/Ruby25-x64/bin/gem D:/Ruby25-x64/bin/bundle D:/Ruby25-x64/bin/bundler Ruby Interactive (ri) documentation was installed. ri is kind of like man pages for Ruby libraries. You may access it like this: ri Classname ri Classname.class_method ri Classname#instance_method If you do not wish to install this documentation in the future, use the --no-document flag, or set it as the default in your ~/.gemrc file. See 'gem help env' for details. Done installing documentation for rubygems-update after 147 seconds Parsing documentation for rubygems-update-3.2.23 Done installing documentation for rubygems-update after 0 seconds Installing RubyGems 3.2.23 RubyGems system software updated ```
bleke@ALIENWARE-R7 MSYS /e/my/GitHubDesktop/  
$ bundle update  
Your lockfile is unreadable. Run `rm Gemfile.lock` and then `bundle install` to
generate a new lockfile.

bleke@ALIENWARE-R7 MSYS /e/my/GitHubDesktop/
$ mv Gemfile.lock Gemfile.lock.b4
bleke@ALIENWARE-R7 MSYS /e/my/GitHubDesktop/
$ bundle install

click for details ``` Fetching gem metadata from Resolving dependencies..... Using concurrent-ruby 1.1.9 Using i18n 0.9.5 Using minitest 5.14.4 Using thread_safe 0.3.6 Using tzinfo 1.2.9 Using zeitwerk 2.4.2 Using activesupport 6.0.4 Using public_suffix 4.0.6 Fetching addressable 2.8.0 Installing addressable 2.8.0 Using bundler 2.2.23 Using coffee-script-source 1.11.1 Using execjs 2.8.1 Using coffee-script 2.4.1 Using colorator 1.1.0 Using ruby-enum 0.9.0 Using commonmarker 0.17.13 Using unf_ext (x64-mingw32) Using unf 0.1.4 Using simpleidn 0.2.1 Fetching dnsruby 1.61.7 Installing dnsruby 1.61.7 Using eventmachine 1.2.7 (x64-mingw32) Using http_parser.rb 0.6.0 Using em-websocket 0.5.2 Using ffi 1.15.3 (x64-mingw32) Using ethon 0.14.0 Using faraday-em_http 1.0.0 Using faraday-em_synchrony 1.0.0 Using faraday-excon 1.1.0 Fetching faraday-httpclient 1.0.1 Installing faraday-httpclient 1.0.1 Using faraday-net_http 1.0.1 Fetching faraday-net_http_persistent 1.2.0 Installing faraday-net_http_persistent 1.2.0 Fetching faraday-patron 1.0.0 Installing faraday-patron 1.0.0 Using multipart-post 2.1.1 Using ruby2_keywords 0.0.4 Fetching faraday 1.5.1 Installing faraday 1.5.1 Using forwardable-extended 2.6.0 Using gemoji 3.0.1 Using sawyer 0.8.2 Using octokit 4.21.0 Using typhoeus 1.4.0 Using github-pages-health-check 1.17.2 Using rb-fsevent 0.11.0 Using rb-inotify 0.10.1 Using sass-listen 4.0.0 Using sass 3.7.4 Using jekyll-sass-converter 1.5.2 Using listen 3.5.1 Using jekyll-watch 2.2.1 Using rexml 3.2.5 Using kramdown 2.3.1 Using liquid 4.0.3 Using mercenary 0.3.6 Using pathutil 0.16.2 Using rouge 3.26.0 Using safe_yaml 1.0.5 Using jekyll 3.9.0 Using jekyll-avatar 0.7.0 Using jekyll-coffeescript 1.1.1 Using jekyll-commonmark 1.3.1 Using jekyll-commonmark-ghpages 0.1.6 Using jekyll-default-layout 0.1.4 Using jekyll-feed 0.15.1 Using jekyll-gist 1.5.0 Using jekyll-github-metadata 2.13.0 Using racc 1.5.2 Using nokogiri 1.11.7 (x64-mingw32) Using html-pipeline 2.14.0 Using jekyll-mentions 1.6.0 Using jekyll-optional-front-matter 0.3.2 Using jekyll-paginate 1.1.0 Using jekyll-readme-index 0.3.0 Using jekyll-redirect-from 0.16.0 Using jekyll-relative-links 0.6.1 Fetching rubyzip 2.3.2 Installing rubyzip 2.3.2 Using jekyll-remote-theme 0.4.3 Using jekyll-seo-tag 2.7.1 Using jekyll-sitemap 1.4.0 Using jekyll-swiss 1.0.0 Using jekyll-theme-architect 0.1.1 Using jekyll-theme-cayman 0.1.1 Using jekyll-theme-dinky 0.1.1 Using jekyll-theme-hacker 0.1.2 Using jekyll-theme-leap-day 0.1.1 Using jekyll-theme-merlot 0.1.1 Using jekyll-theme-midnight 0.1.1 Using jekyll-theme-minimal 0.1.1 Using jekyll-theme-modernist 0.1.1 Using jekyll-theme-primer 0.5.4 Using jekyll-theme-slate 0.1.1 Using jekyll-theme-tactile 0.1.1 Using jekyll-theme-time-machine 0.1.1 Using jekyll-titles-from-headings 0.5.3 Using jemoji 0.12.0 Using kramdown-parser-gfm 1.1.0 Using minima 2.5.1 Using unicode-display_width 1.7.0 Using terminal-table 1.8.0 Using github-pages 215 Using wdm 0.1.1 Bundle complete! 2 Gemfile dependencies, 99 gems now installed. Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed. Post-install message from dnsruby: Installing dnsruby... For issues and source code: For general discussion (please tell us how you use dnsruby):!forum/dnsruby Post-install message from rubyzip: RubyZip 3.0 is coming! ********************** The public API of some Rubyzip classes has been modernized to use named parameters for optional arguments. Please check your usage of the following classes: * `Zip::File` * `Zip::Entry` * `Zip::InputStream` * `Zip::OutputStream` Please ensure that your Gemfiles and .gemspecs are suitably restrictive to avoid an unexpected breakage when 3.0 is released (e.g. ~> 2.3.0). See for details. The Changelog also lists other enhancements and bugfixes that have been implemented since version 2.3.0. ```

Oct 5, 2021 (on Aurora)

GitHub notified of high severity security advisory on nokogiri

cd /e/my/GitHubDesktop/
grep -i nokogiri Gemfile.lock
Gemfile.lock:      nokogiri (>= 1.10.4, < 2.0)
Gemfile.lock:      nokogiri (>= 1.4)
Gemfile.lock:    nokogiri (1.11.7-x64-mingw32)

ruby -ropen-uri -e 'eval open("").read'

failed several times, but for different hosts,
so presumably server overloading…

This succeeded on second attempt: $ gem update --system

click for details ``` ... RubyGems installed the following executables: D:/Ruby25-x64/bin/gem D:/Ruby25-x64/bin/bundle D:/Ruby25-x64/bin/bundler Ruby Interactive (ri) documentation was installed. ri is kind of like man pages for Ruby libraries. You may access it like this: ri Classname ri Classname.class_method ri Classname#instance_method If you do not wish to install this documentation in the future, use the --no-document flag, or set it as the default in your ~/.gemrc file. See 'gem help env' for details. Done installing documentation for rubygems-update after 157 seconds Parsing documentation for rubygems-update-3.2.28 Done installing documentation for rubygems-update after 0 seconds Installing RubyGems 3.2.28 RubyGems system software updated ```

Basically, just repeated July 13 rigamarole, then

grep -i nokogiri Gemfile*
Gemfile.lock:      nokogiri (>= 1.10.4, < 2.0)
Gemfile.lock:      nokogiri (>= 1.4)
Gemfile.lock:    nokogiri (1.12.5-x64-mingw32)

bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental
Configuration file: E:/my/GitHubDesktop/
            Source: E:/my/GitHubDesktop/
       Destination: E:/my/GitHubDesktop/
 Incremental build: enabled
                    done in 0.754 seconds.
 Auto-regeneration: enabled for 'E:/my/GitHubDesktop/'
    Server address:
  Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.

12 Apr 2022

gem update --system
bundle update
gem install bundler
bundle exec jekyll serve
mv Gemfile.lock Gemfile.lock.b4
bundle install
diff Gemfile.lock Gemfile.lock.b4
rm *b4

It turned out that, after a pull request merge,
local Ruby installation needs updating to >= 2.6

Ruby 2.7.5p203

Devkit is also required, for wdm
msys64 was too old to update
environmental variable for gem update --system:

$ export MSYSTEM=MINGW64
$ pacman -S msys/diffutils
$ gem update --system
$ gem install wdm --platform=ruby
$ cd /e/my/GitHubDesktop/
$ bundle update

19 May 2022 Dependabot alert: Upgrade nokogiri to version 1.13.5 or later

$ g
$ cd
$ gem update --system
$ bundle update
$ grep -i nokogiri Gemfile*
Gemfile.lock:      nokogiri (>= 1.13.4, < 2.0)
Gemfile.lock:      nokogiri (>= 1.4)
Gemfile.lock:    nokogiri (1.13.6-x64-mingw32)
# manually edit Gemfile.lock
$ grep -i nokogiri Gemfile*
Gemfile.lock:      nokogiri (>= 1.13.6, < 2.0)
Gemfile.lock:      nokogiri (>= 1.13.5)
Gemfile.lock:    nokogiri (1.13.6-x64-mingw32)

15 July: 2 months ago Upgrade nokogiri to version 1.13.6 or later; now 1.13.7

$ g  
$ cd  
$ gem update --system  
$ bundle update  
Bundle updated!  
Post-install message from html-pipeline:  
Thank you for installing html-pipeline!  
You must bundle Filter gem dependencies.  
See html-pipeline for more details.  

Actually, the problem on GitHub is:

 Conversion error: Jekyll::Converters::Markdown encountered an error while converting 'microscope/Nikon/Labophot/':  
                    invalid byte sequence in UTF-8  

find offending characters to be edited out:
$ grep -axv '.*' | less