
Somnium VR1 vs Pimax Crystal HMD comparison

  • VR-compare:  Crystal vs VR1   (dated)
  • VR1 replaces Crystal as the king of clarity.

    Sonium VR1Pimax Crystal

    weights with headstraps (VR1 with Vive Deluxe)

    VR1 VR 880g
    VR1 MR 1012g
    Aero 915g
    Crystal 1070g
    XR3 1099
    Varjo specifies 717g Aero with headstrap

    According to VR Flight Sim Guy, geometric distortions are a total non-issue,
    but chromatic aberrations were "way worse in the VR1" than in Pimax Crystal,
    also:  "VR1 looks better than Crystal
    But it's harder to run"
  • maintained by blekenbleu