VR1 OpenXR is fully compatible with DCS quad views.
If FPS drops when using quad views,
lower VR1 Tool main resolution setting to about 40%.
for background images at that resolution.
Render quad views (100%) foveated resolution
with 25%/25% foveated size.
Fixed Foveated Rendering by disabling eye tracking
All 3 sliders at 100% disables Fixed Foveated Rendering.
Masking mode overlay(default), 3D mesh, chroma key,
combo, Cinema: mixed reality image on a virtual screen
If, after some days, VR1 image doesn't feel right with defaults,
tweak settingsWarping profiles + rendered FOV + focal distance value
HEAVILY change eyes' perceptions:
Measure seen FOV with any FOV tool.
Set VR1 Tool values according to seen FoV.
Pick best focal distances between `-10` and `+10`.
Close VR1 tool and vrg services before profile changes;
- ignore update message after warping profile changes.
- In folder:  C:\ProgramData\vrg\warping\SomniumVR1\
replace files: warping_left.bson and warping_right.bson - best results may employ mixing different left and right profiles.
There always will be slight warping in aspheric lenses.
In case of VR1 you can’t see it in vast majority of use cases
unless you artificially look for it.
Our aspheric lenses are laser tested for an incredible precision
with maximum tight tolerances.
People do need to adapt to aspheric lenses
and 99.9% do adapt and love it!
Good aspheric lenses (like in VR1) in bring a lot of advantages
over any other lenses on the market so far.
Clarity, brightness, sharpness, sweet spot and FOV among other things.
- Artur | Founder & CEO
Does not need to run for OpenXR apps; OpenVR base station and tracking services run in background.
SteamVR detects current headset, resets to defaults Valve Index per game settings
Don't change SteamVR resolution scale, this is set in the VR1 tool and then sent to SteamVR;
- changing it in SteamVR causes unnecessary extra overhead.
Disable "Motion Smoothing" if VR1 "Space Warp" is enabled; - these are similar technologies.