- Air Filtration
- standalone room units:  Rabbit Air
- relatively quiet and effective
- relatively high initial, but lower operating expense
(replacement media replacement interval vs cost)
- UV LED generates ionized hydrogen peroxide vapor without ozone,
which disinfects and improves Filtrete effectiveness:
Original HALO cell employs a fluorescent UV lamp
that runs continuously and needs replacing every 2 years or so.
The original HALO with cell cost $392
Replacement cells cost $180 in Jan 2022 and $190 today.
Total parts cost for 10 years might be about $1100.
HALO-LED cells want replacing after 5 years, costing $225-290 on ebay.
Wiring must be changed to run LED only with air handler blower.
Amazon currently has HALO-LED units for $440,
for a 10-year cost of ~$700.
That Amazon unit price is suspiciously less than elsewhere,
but received HALO-LED carton was sealed and appears genuine.
While both REME HALO external appearances are very similar,
original HALO's arrowhead-shaped housing points UP on supply plenum wall;
HALO-LED unit wants housing instead pointing LEFT, sigh...
LED cell replacement appears slightly more finicky than fluorescent,
might be daunting in another 5 years, 8 feet up on a ladder.
REME - concluding episode
- In fact, original and LED HALO shapes are identical and use identical packaging.
- Both include 24V transformers with identical ratings...
... but different connectors presumably discourage connecting
always-on power for fluorescent HALO to only-with-fan HALO-LED.
- arguably the most striking external difference is operating LED
- original HALO had a bright red LED that lit up that corner of the garage
- HALO-LED has a dim green LED facing the wall
that can barely be seen in the dark at night,
mostly overwhelmed by light from a nearby dehumidifier.
Hole in plenum wall for HALO-LED needed to be wider
than for the original; some hacking required:
RGF included a template for the hole shape,
but I had to cut the outer flange shape:

Threaded stud at upper left was for a dead air purifier that came with the house.
Another stud cut off by Dremel tool made space for this template.
Shiny new HALO-LED in crummy old plenum:
Air handler blower is powered differently for heat and cool,
but circuit board 110VAC connections for electronic air cleaner work fine.