
signal processing, XR, sims, microscopes, STM32, ESP32

8 Jan 2024

GitHub Pages:  Jekyll Installation How-(not)-To

Windows with GitHub Desktop Windows 10 Windows 11 Ubuntu on Windows (WSL) (or NOT) with SmartGit and its git-bash.exe macOS High Sierra with MacPorts and SmartGit


  1. Far easier to instead install Chrome extension Markdown Viewer
  2. Unlike html pages, markdown pages (.md files) get URLs without .md
  3. If no, then Jekyll uses for landing page Workaround:  Create, which Jekyll will use instead
  4. Jekyll expects UTF-8 character encoding, fails for BOM (Byte Order Mark) This was especially problematic with Jekyll style gem files on WSL… Workaround (using vim):
    :set nobomb
  5. IPv6 tends to be problematic, requiring Windows reboots:  Disabling IPv6 on Windows 10
  6. Helpful URLs: GitHub Pages Documentation   Jekyll is only one way to generate GitHub Pages… GitHub Pages community Jekyll Resources Jekyll Talk! forum Jekyll github and github-metadata
  7. GitHub Page’s default welcome page - Markup tutorial