| GitHub Pages configuration; signal processing, microscopes, STM32 and ESP32 projects

Black Pill
about Blue ASCII Servo
two character control for SimHub Custom serial devices
multi-character control for SimHub Custom serial with several Arduino modules
Arduino content
WeMos D1 UNO R1 ESP8266 Arduino UNO-R3 Clone
D1 UNO USB (serial) as HID game controller based on mi-360
SimHub Custom serial profile atlas
HID gamepad by vJoySerialFeeder
VJoySerialFeeder Installation




Photo Microscopy
Camera adapters
Anker PowerCore Fusion 10000
American Optical 120 microscope manual
DIY direct projection photo tube for AO 10-120 trinocular microscope
American Optical EPI-LUME
AO PhotoStar restomod
Microscope Basics
Chiron Magnum Diamond Micron Scope
AO / Reichert Condensers
Confocal microscopy
Copy stand camera hanger for macro and micro photography
Dolan-Jenner Fiber-Lite Model 180
155x69mm Optical First Surface Reflector FS Flat Mirror DIY Projector Parts
Focusing Helicoids
New IRIS DIAPHRAGM Aperture blade with M42 x1mm thread casing
LED illumination
M42 to 30mm to 23.2mm Microscope Adapter Camera Eyepiece Tube
Eye tube clamp for Nikon trinocular UW afocal imaging
Macro Links
Episcopic MTF targets
Nikon microscopes
Nikon Optiphot 66 Illuminator
Nikon CFI BE Plan Achromat 4/0.10
Nikon Optiphot-66 DIA/EPI base
Optiphot 66 diascopic conversions
DIC microscopy
Nikon ELWD 0.3 Condenser
Nikon Labophot
Nikon Metaphot
Nikon Metaphot Simplified Episcopic Polarization Equipment
Nikon Optiphot microscope
Nikon Optiphot-66 DIA/EPI base
Optizoom 0.8-2x
(almost) Infinity-focused Optiphot trinocular heads
Nikon phase contrast
Phase Contrast ELWD turret
Optiphot photography
generic approx 2x photo relay lenses
Nikon sliders
Nikon stage bearings
Nikon Swing-Out 0.9 Condenser
Nikon Trinocular heads
Nikon Optiphot vertical Illuminators
Hugin for image alignment
Pentax Automatic Extension Tube set
U`King B93 10W RGBW LED pin spot
Polarized macro and micro photography
RS60-R 60mm rotating stage
Canon RS-60E3 remote switch
focus stacking
Tube lens
Carl Zeiss Substage Microscope Condenser Flip Top 0.9 - Great Condition!
DSWiFiMIDI Server for Android Wireless Mixer
Node.js WebSocket MIDI server
MIDI SimHub plugins
Sim driving
Assetto Corsa, Content Manager and Custom Shading Patch settings
DIY AccuForce steering clamp
ESP8266 USB COM adapter e.g. for (Wi-Fi anything or) SimHub Custom (USB) serial devices
Haptic engineering
ShakeIt profiles
SuperPuck AKA 10cm eBay transducer
ShakeIt formulae
Logitech G29 brake mods | STM32 adapter
Windows Audio

static/ content
model 19
1978 home catalog
microphonics, mats, cover, springs, lift, sprungboard
Phono stylus rake and (cantilever) vertical tracking angles
Phono MM input capacitance
(Canon) Photography
Canon EOS EF Novoflex EOS-RETRO Reverse Lens Adapter (58mm Threads)
Carver AL III
Color rendering meta-analysis:  LED illumination
COVID-19 plots
Composite USB, web server and Servo control using Arduino and ESP32-S2-Saola-1
ESP32-S2-Saola-1 Arduino installation
TinyUSB for composite USB using Arduino and ESP32-S2-Saola-1
Web Server using Arduino and ESP32-S2-Saola-1
Slider Demo
DeltaWave vs Wave Corrector
dimg - visual image difference utility
Multibit Neighborhood Mask Dithered Interpolation
Harry Niquist was not wrong, but is misunderstood
Special Error Diffusion
TinyML:& TensorFlow Lite on Arduino, STM32 and ESP32
NAS:& Synology DiskStation DS920+
NAS OS:& Synology DSM 7.2
FreshTomato, Linksys EA6500v2 and the Internet
Synology DSM 7.2 configuration (grim) reality
NAS:& Buffalo LinkStation 210 LS210D0301
Spectrum Cable Modem and WiFi Router 6 downgrades
LinkStation Series Firmware Version 1.78
SimHub plugins
SimHub plugin How-To and Discord discussions
dotnet migrate-2019 wizard transcript
How-To for Visual Studio for SimHub plugin
Technics SL-7 direct drive linear tracking turntable
Audio Technica 8008 moving magnet cartridge for SL-7
Audio Technica ATN81CP Replacement Stylus
Audio Technica moving magnet cartridges for SL-7
Audio Technica T4P (P-mount) moving magnet cartridge comparison
Perfect sound for never
Wave Corrector | Ganymede Test &amp Measurement
Wave Corrector fora nuggets


Thorens TD 126 MK II (1976-77) with SME Series III B Oct 23, 1982 Charlotte NC


R&D, Vim, X-Mouse and Logitech Anywhere MX

Virtual Reality and Windows Mixed Reality

sharing Visual Studio Community 2017 (VCS2017)

Play Blu-Ray on Windows (or NOT)

Alienware Aurora R7 crashing and overheating
Antec DP502 VR PC Build
Antec DP502 VR PC vs Aurora R7 YouTube thermals
Antec DP502 VR PC tuning
Antec Phantom DP502 VR PC
Time lurches on: MS Flight Simulator 2020 vs Alienware Area 51 R2
H670 ATX motherboards
Windows HID game controllers and SimHub
Windows 10 vJoy v2.2.1.1 install:& not scary (not previously installed)
MSYS2 and I
Tower PC misguided buying rant[s]
RTX 3090 for Assetto Corsa VR
NVMe for 2013 - 2017 Windows PCs
Dell Inspiron 13 7373 2-in-1 Windows 10 Storage shortage
Welcome to GitHub Pages
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